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Tears falling down his face
As she walks away
His glasses broken in his hands

The glass digs into his palm
He smiles at the pain
Because it makes him feel better

He cuts himself
Forgetting her
The girl who broke his heart

Weeks of scars and blood
He finally decides to end it all
But he decides to write her a letter

Dear Lilly,
This isn't your fault
Its mine

I love you and I always will
I understand I was terrible
I'm sorry I hurt you

I give you this letter
And my glasses
The ones you broke

Just like you broke my heart
They were my first cutters
I give them to you to remember me

The boy with broken glasses
And a broken heart

He lays the letter on his desk
And grabs his knife
Stabbing and cutting himself

Until he's gone.

The girl comes later
And finds him dead
She cries as she reads his letter

If only she had told him she loved him too.

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