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Don't regard me as a want to be
Poet because I am not
These truly come from my mind

Spoken in rhyme and rhythm
This amount of syllables and that amount
Free verse and many other variations

People think of the words
Poetry, poems, poem, poet
They think of rhyme

Flaws are shown in poetry
Secrets. Hopes. Dreams.
Are hidden inside the words

Words make a poem and any
Other sort of writing
Like in the lines;

"She sits
Her mind blank
Tears fall down her face
Scars are visible for all to see"

The girl who writes this
Is suicidal and she's hurting
She needs comfort

Or maybe the author writes for
A friend who can't help herself
And they don't know how to help her

Or maybe its just a made up
Story with no meaning
Just pain and torture

There's more to a poem than
One may think and more
To a poet than one understands

Next time you read a poem
Look for the story or meaning behind it
Don't just read it and move along.

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