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"Numbers are only figments of our imagination"

I know how to count
And divide

I know the basics
Of algebra
1x +2x=16

I know the angles
And circumference
I know the deal with

I learn fast
I know bits of geometry
I know about integers
And line plots

What I don't know
How many people die
How many stars explode
How many moons there are

I don't know
If the world has any hope
Or if we've just given up
On everything

Humans made up numbers
They must have been worried
About losing time
Forgetting what things add up to

What about the people who dream
But they only dream about things
They can never have
People dream of an education

We take things for granted
While other people are out there
Who don't even know what numbers are
There are people who forgot how many days
It has been since their last meal

They don't want your useless garbage
They want hope
They want a secure future
They want a family

They need to feel the love
They see death everyday
They see sorrow
They need happiness

We act like we care
When in reality
We never think one bit
About dying children

If we really did care
We'd help them
We'd save them
Their tears would be dried

But no here we are
On our lazy butts
Watching tv
Wondering about dinner

This may just be my heart talking
But we are the ones
Who truly are dying
We are the killing killers

I know how to read and write
I know about history
I know about science
I know about numerology

What I don't know
Is if we really care
About the deaths of
Millions of people

I want to dry their tears
I want to feed them
I want to save them
I want them to live

My only question is;
Do you want to save them?

Poems From The Mind-COMPLETED Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant