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I understand more than you think
I know that you care for me
I see what you mean
I'm sorry for everything

No tears shall fall put of my eyes
No regrets from saying goodbye to you
No more hopes for my future
No more dreams about you

Any dreams will turn to nothingness
Any memories will be forgotten
Any happiness from you will go
Any love for you stays to torture me

Now I'm leaving
Now I'll leave you alone
Now you'll forget me
Now you will go away forever

We will grow apart
We will become restless
We will disappear from each others lives
We will no longer be friends

My sleep will get shorter
My life back to the way it was before
My heart will be wounded
My mind will replay everything you said

Tears fall down my face now
Tears for you and because of you
Tears fall on the floor
Tears salty and new because of sadness

Thanks for being there for me
Thanks for being my friend
Thanks for making me happy
Thanks for listening

You can live your life now
You can forget about me
You can be happier without me
You can go back to life before you met me

Sorry for bothering you
Sorry for my weird moods
Sorry for distracting you
Sorry for everything

I'll leave forever
I'll leave you alone
I'll leave without regrets
I'll leave our past behind us

Its not like you did something
Its not like its your fault
Its not like I hate you
Its not like the sun will never shine

Go be happy
Go leave me behind you
Go and never talk to me again
Go and for get me

I'm forever a mystery.


This poem has no meaning, I just wanted to write it.
Professor Poet Skittles Stalker(full nickname)

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