She is Darkness

24 7 7

Elegant and beautiful
Darkness smiles
Her eyes are like beautiful shadows

The light is evil
He torments and kills her
She grows weaker everyday

When saddened or angered
Darkness is merely a shadow
One that either cries or kills

He lies about Darkness
Say she's a bad thing
That no one should draw near her

Darkness isn't though
She is sweet, gentle and kind
But nobody cares about her insides

All they see is what the light tells them to see
A monster
Who's heart isn't even alive

Strange thing is
Darkness loves the light
She wants him to hold her hand

But he declines it
By saying that he'd never hold
A monster's hand

Weakness took over Darkness
As she crumbled away into
Nothing but a shadow

Then nothing at all.

Ten more poems!
Ok I'm just curious are you guys actually reading these and trying to understand their meaning or are you just voting for no reason? I'm just curious.
Any who this book is almost done which means one of my unpublished books gets to be published. Which one will it be.....?
Ok enough of this I go now.
Professor Stalker

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