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We live and love
We learn to run and dance
To sing and smile
But we don't understand
How to be simple minded
To be mentally strong
Wired and framed
Inside and out
We are perfectly unique
Yet that's causes our hate
And our differences cause our wars
When fingers interlock
And hearts begin to
Love again
Then we know we're close to
Happier times
But that is if we choose to love
And hold people close
Arms looped into arms
Marching the streets in a silent riot
Our mindset
Reaching and striving farther
And father and daughter smiling
At each other
We question unexplainable things
Such as what is life
And what will happen if I die
Where will I go
Stars twinkle outside the window
That you saw your friend
Jump from
As the fires called life
Surround you
Blocking the exit
Blocking your escape
We never stop to look for
Those things we love
Never been able to
Because this time on earth
Is shorter
Than the afterlife
Trees may continue to live
Throughout generations
Never dying out from anything like
No disease spreads in Antartica
Because there is no one to spread
Out to
But humans aren't lucky
Like the trees
Because we may sprout and grow
But we are simply a flower
In a garden
That blooms then dies
If we had more time on this place
We call home
In this slowly dying
The same air we breathe
May soon kill us
If we aren't careful
But don't grieve when someone dies
Be happy that they no longer
Have to suffer in this world
And be glad that one day
Your time will come
But not yet
So don't jump away from those fires
Walk through them
See how burned you get
And keep on living
Keep on hoping
Keep striving
Then we will all be free
When the lights turn off tonight
I want to see you smile
Forget your fears
Let go of their string
And let them fly away like a balloon
Close your eyes and dream
Then let you dreams change and move you
Laugh, love, and live
Watch the skies fade in and out
Stars and clouds
Mainly stars are my focus
Because their hopes are so big
The continue to shine
They don't give up
We could learn from them
But we're like the clouds
Coming quickly then going quickly
We don't stay long but we need to live
'Cause that's what humans do
We live
And we keep on living
Forgetting there is an end
To the beautiful things we knew in life
There's always a story behind a smile
Most don't realize that story is more important
Than the simple things that we but
But always end up throwing away
It's only when we look deeply into the eyes
That we realize we aren't the only
Broken people in the world
And we're not alone
And neither are they
But how are they to know.

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