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If love was a poem
How hard would it be to write?
If life were a song
How hard to sing would it be?
If death was a book
What would it be about?

If you were perfect for me
How will I know that you are?
If I fell in love with you
And you didn't love me back
Would I still live?

If love was a poem
How hard would it be to write?
If I stop asking questions
Whom would ask and whom would answer?
If you kissed me
How would I respond?

If life were a song
How hard to sing would it be?
If I have a story
Who should I tell it to?

If death was a book
What would it be about?
If I were to die
Would you care?
Or will you forget me for another?

When you say I love you
Do you mean it?
Or are you just saying it?

If I stop asking questions
What would happen to
All the unanswered questions?
Would they go on with no answer?
Or would you answer them for me?

If only I knew.
If only you'd answer.
IF ONLY.......

Would you answer?
Would you kiss me?
Would we be together forever?
Would we?

Or is that too much to wonder?
I'd write the love poem
Sing the life song
Read the death book
Would you help me?

Or would you leave me
For I'm just too strange for
Someone like you
But I want you to know
That I'll never be able to love another
Like I love you

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