10 Fears *

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My fears consists of little
But major things to me

For starters I'm afraid
Of being alone
The thought frightens
Me corrupting my thoughts
So I'm a little clingy
At times but this is my reason

Second, I fear
The noises
The ones in the dead of night
Rushing wind
Creaks and moans of the house
Settling down

Third, not knowing
It terrifies me
I like to be right
Or at least pretend I know what I'm saying
I argue to prove my point
Because I want to be the one who knows

Fourth, I'm afraid of
Fear its self
All types of phobias
And different scientific names for each
Millions of fears
Just so people know what they fear

Fifth pain
It torments me
I flinch when I think of it
Or something painful
I cringe when others
Hurt themselves

Sixth, not being wanted
Not like I care
But it hurts me to think
Of what others may think of a weird girl
Like me
I wonder what they think

Seventh, my heart
It scares me
I worry of it breaking
I worry of it dying out
Leaving me dead
More than I already am

Eighth, closed doors
I'm not claustrophobic
Closed doors just seem dangerous
They don't look welcoming
I leave my door open for this reason
I don't like feeling trapped

Ninth, I fear of being too slow
Haunting me
I break out in a run trying to avoid
Slowness and no movement
It can take control of me
So I'm always running

Tenth, depression
It feels light a heavy weight
Upon your chest
You feel empty and lonely
Pain comes and you wish it to leave

These are only a few of my many fears.

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