Now I'm Saying Something

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Silence is what you expect from me
You expect me to be quiet
Because that's the way I've always been
Silent and just going with the flow of life

Well what if I said life is a lie
What if I said that you need to understand
Others and the world before you understand me
That you have to kiss a thousand sunsets before you even touched me

If I was merely someone you didn't know
Would you care and understand what I feel
Or will you be like the rest of the by standers
That just stand by and watch

They study me like scientists
That are studying a new substance
Doctors testing a surgery
That even they can't predict the outcome

When you say those things and think I can't hear you
Think again because I'm right behind or beside you
Over hearing how you really feel about me
You are lightning constantly striking me down

Look, I know people, including you, think I'm fragile
I'm sorry I'm an emotional girl
Yes small things affect me but not everything does
You don't have to protect me I know how to fight

What I'm saying now is important
I need you to pay attention
Because it will change your out look
On everything

Someday you will die because no one lives forever
But that doesn't mean worry about future or past
I know people say it a let
But don't spend your life worried its pointless

Become a friend to that shy kid
They may be extremely hilarious or
They may be going through a tough time and you show you care
Do ny turn a blind eye to the because they aren't popular

Because a friend once told me popularity is just a word society created.

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