Other's story

17 4 0

Fill me up
With joy
It cries
Send me away

The empty box
Crying for a future
Alone in a dusty corner
Right next to the globe

The box wants to see
The world
The globe thinks
That's old news

I've seen the world
The proud globe gloats
Its nothing but a huge

The box cries louder
I'm dusty and old
Please I beg someone
Take me around the world

Hush Other
The globe yells
You see the world everyday
Because I'm here and I'm the world

Other, the box's name
He once was filled with
Other things
His name is in big print on his side

You aren't the real world
I want to visit different countries
Landmarks and museums
Other wishes out loud

Shhh! Masters coming
Globe whispers
Other fills with hope
Globe silently spins

They watch as their master
Yells at a stranger
She starts to cry
He only yells more

She slaps him and begins packing
Other nearly leaps with joy
Until the stranger comes back
With a knife named Butcher

Their master screams
As the knife is plunged into her
Poor Butcher. Having to kill master
Other cries once more

The stranger picks up the box
He puts it in the recycling bin
By Saturday
Other was no more

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