Chapter Twenty Four: Overthrown

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We were in the back of the airplane. Dean wanted to tell Amanda the truth and have her help us lure the pilot out. I am guessing he took stupidity 101 in school.

"Dean, this is not gonna work. She gonna run the other way." I groan as he comes up with a plan of what to say in his head.

"She's not gonna believe this." Sam says, agreeing with me.

"Twelve minutes, dude." Dean says as he points his finger at me. We walk into the back area and their is Amanda, her hair is up and she has a dress on that fits her figure.

"Oh, hi. Flight's not too bumpy for you, I hope." She says with a smile. If she only knew.

"Actually, that's kind of what we need to talk to you about." Dean says with a smile. Sam closes the curtain and Amanda backs up a little.

"Um, okay. What can I do for you?" She asks, putting on a smile to cover her fear.

"All right, this is gonna sound nuts, but we just don't have time for the whole "the truth is out there" speech right now." Dean starts. 

"All right, look, we know you were on flight 2485." Sam states. Her smile drops and she starts to get scared.

"Who are you guys?"

"Now, we've spoken to some of the other survivors. We know something brought down that plane and it wasn't a mechanical failure." Sam starts, she backs up more, fear filling her body each step.

"We need your help because we need to stop it from happening again. Here. Now." Dean says, She then trys to get past Dean, who is blocking the exit.

"I'm sorry, I—I'm very busy. I have to go back—"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a second. I'm not gonna hurt you, okay? But listen to me, uh...The pilot in 2485, Chuck Lambert. He's dead." Dean puts bluntly to get her to listen.

"Wait. What? What, Chuck is dead?" She says with pain in her voice.

"He died in a plane crash. Now, that's two plane crashes in two months." I tell her softly, trying to better then my brothers.

"That doesn't strike you as strange?" Dean added.

"I-" Amanda starts but Sam cuts her off.

"Look, there was something wrong with 2485. Now maybe you sensed it, maybe you didn't. But there's something wrong with this flight, too." She was contemplating it, and I had to make the move now.

"Amanda, you have to believe us. Please, I know you do inside, just help us out." She hesitated then spoke.

"On...on 2485, there was this man. He...had these eyes." 

"Yes. That's exactly what we're talking about." Sam said.

"I don't understand, what are you asking me to do?" She asked, poor girl was so confused.

"Okay. The copilot, we need you to bring him back here." Dean tells her. Her eyes widen.

"Why? What does he have to do with anything?" She asked.

"Don't have time to explain. We just need to talk to him. Okay?" Dean tells her, giving her a pleading look.

"How am I supposed to go in the cockpit and get the copilot—" She starts but Sam cuts her off again, it was quite rude.

"Do whatever it takes. Tell him there's something broken back here, whatever will get him out of that cockpit." Amanda stares at us.

"Listen, We sound like nut jobs but we need some help." I tell her, trying to soften everything she was just told.

"Okay." She sighs and leaves. I pull out the holy water and Dean gives Sam the Journal. Dean holds duck tape in his hands.

"Yeah, what's the problem?" The pilot says, I throw a punch and knock him down, Dee puts duck tape on his mouth and him and Sam pin him down.

"Wait. What are you doing? You said you were just gonna talk to him." Amanda Cries. I open the holy water bottle.

"We are gonna talk to him." I grin and pour the water on him, which sizzles against his skin. Amanda covers her mouth.

"Oh, my god. What's wrong with him?" She starts to get frantic.

"Look. We need you calm. We need you outside the curtain." I tell her and point to the curtain.

"Well, I don't underst—I don't know—"

"Don't let anybody in, okay? Can you do that?" She doesn't awnser. "Can you do that? Amanda?"

"Okay. Okay." She nods and stands outside the curtain. I jump to where Sam was to help Dean while he reads.

"Hurry up, Sam. I don't know how much longer I can hold him." Dean groans as the demon fights us. He was freaking strong.

"Regna terrae, cantate Deo, psallite Domino—" Sam starts but the Demon breaks out of Dean's hold and punches him and throw me against the wall. Sam tries to start again but the Demon grabs his collar and rips the tape off his mouth.

" know what happened to your girlfriend! She must have died screaming! Even now, she's burning!" It roared at him.I punch him, his jaw connecting with my hand. He falls. Sam stands their stunned.

"Sam!" I snap, getting him out of the trance. He starts but the journal falls and the demon kicks it across the plane and throws Sam and Dean against the wall. The plane stairs to fall, making Dean panic. I felt rage burn inside me,  They both were struggling and the demon was enjoying it. All these innocent people would die because of this shit head. 

I stood up and I felt someone else take control. My eyes were on fire nd I started to recite words, I didn't know.

"Regna terrae, cantate Deo, psallite Domino" The Demon noticed and tried to grab me, but I threw my arm out and it was like I had a shield around me.

"qui fertis ascenditsuper caelum caeli ad Orientem" I recited, but 10 voices echoed with mine. The Demon snarled at me but I continued roaring with my 100 voices, echoing in the plane. "Ecce dabit voci suae vocem virtutis, tribuite virtutem deo!" I shout. The Black smoke escapes his mouth and the plane rests for once, I look at my brothers, who were in shock. I gave them a weak smile, but felt something dripping from my nose. I touch it and red runs down y fingers. I get dizzy and pass out, letting the blackness consume me.

I walk down a dark hallway, It is made of stone that rounds out at the top. I keep walking, and then people appear on the sides of the hallway, having black robs drape over them and white masks cover their faces. I stop and look around and then they start to chant.

Tu unus ex nobis . Tu futura es covina . Surgam, et saeculum nostrum .

They chant over and over again, till the voices boom in my ears. My nose starts to bleed but a deep voice yells my name which makes everything disappear.

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