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Bulgaria : Hey guy, happy christmas eve!
Egypt : Its still not....
Bulgaria : Shhh, just bcz in your place its late, doesn't mean everybody should be late.
Egypt : Its not late, only...ughh, why should I bother when we barely even celebrate it?
Bulgaria : Whaa? Why?
Egypt: Because.
Bulgaria : -.-' I'm beginning to get real tired of your sh-
Natsuhime : STOP.
Bulgaria : K... T^T
Natsuhime: Ok, what these guys wanted to say is that they wish you merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Egypt : Yeah, basically.
Bulgaria : *claps hands enthusiastically * When do we celebrate ?
Natsuhime, Egypt : * Ignore him and stare into the distance* *blank faces*
Bulgaria : * clapping slowly dies*
Finland: *comes to the rescue* Come, we will celebrate it together!
Bulgaria : Really? *sparkly eyes*
Finland, Bulgaria : *run into the cold winter night*
Egypt: Ok....that was sudden.
Natsuhime: *looks to where Bulgaria disappeared * *shakes head* What were we talking about?
Egypt : Idk, but it sure is cold. Lets make some hot tea and chill. *wink*
Natsuhime : * leaves him and goes to Macedonia* ZDRAVO! Came to you for a fun night!
Macedonia: YAAAAY!
Egypt: *stands alone in the dark ,a single beam of light is above him* Guys..... don't...leave me alone...
Fem! Egypt: Who said you were alone? *Sudan, Libiq and Algeria pop up behind her cracking their fingers*
Egypt: On second thought, *runs* I WAS PERFECTLY FINE ALONE! I DONT NEED YOU.....jerks!

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