Egypt and His Brothers

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So, I discovered this headcanon which says that a country wakes up when another one enters their territory. And then theres this post where Denmark goes to Sweden at 3:00 am just to piss him off XD
Sooo, this came up in my mind:
All of Egypt's brothers and his sister decide on an hour on which they will wake him up. First comes Lebanon and Egypt just barely opens his eyes. Then is Syria and he stays there for about half an hour to make sure Egypt fully awakes (he's a heavy sleeper). After that is Saudi Arabia and he takes his army of exotic animals with him. At this point Egypt is annoyed and goes to his East border. There he meets Emirates, who's  together with Saudi Arabia and their army of animals. Egypt shoos them away and goes back to sleep. Just when he falls asleep, Jordan comes and Egypt flies again to his east border and spits some insults to him when he understood that he only wanted some toilet paper.
Now, Egypt is slightly mad and goes to bed, only to find that Algeria and Marocco came together,  but from different borders.
Just when he arrives to his west border, he sees that they already had feld the area.
For a couple of hours no one enters and Egypt can finally go to sleep. He was dreaming and at the best part, he suddenly wakes up to find Sudan going straight to Cairo.
Now Egypt is in raged and flies over to him with a battle plane. He later on drops on his brother dozens of leters, stating 'Fuck you ,former Egypt".
This goes for days, every night they change from which side they will enter.
Unfortunately, on the second week they find that Egypt had put multiple tanks and troops all the way through his border. Something like the Great Wall of China, only in was made out of humans and are already ready to rip the hearts of anything that comes near them.
Egypt's siblings never tried to do it again, but they still plot on doing something more evil.

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