Egypt's shitty jokes and puns 2

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Egypt: Hey, Lebanon?
Lebanon: Yeah?
Egypt: wanna hear a joke?
Lebanon: *squinting her eyes in suspicion* Is it like the one you said earlier? I swear to God, it is..
Egypt: I swear it isn't, this one is different!
Lebanon: Go on...
Syria: I wanna hear it too!
Egypt: Hmm, I think somebody else would also be happy to hear it! *mischievous smile*

*le moments later*

Egypt: Mexico, Spain, thanks for showing up!
Mexico:Of course! Why wouldn't I come?
Lebanon: *whisper* Jeez, I wonder why?
Spain: Lebanon, it's been a long time! *approaches to hug her*
Lebanon: Let's keep it that way.
Spain: *waves of rejection*
Egypt: Ok, listen to this: For his final magic trick, a Mexican magician said Unos, Dous, and vanished without a trace.
Lebanon: *raises her hands in defeat* I give up on you, I give up on being your sister, I give up on this life.
Mexico: *dying* Dude, that was brilliant!!
Spain, Syria: *didn't have a clue*

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