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Natsuhime : Tbh you iz z best!
Egypt : Are they really z best?
Bulgaria : Z bezt of z bezt! *blows kisses to you (reader, obviously)*
Egypt : *holds microphone* Youu~ iz z bezt I havz ever zeen <3
Bulgaria : *grabs the mic* You iz wunderfollll!!!
England : *grabs mic, throws it to the ground*
Bulgaria, Natsuhime, Egypt : * confused* *gasp* *look at mic with horror*
England: *smashes it with his foot* Ahhh, peace and quiet.
Natsuhime, Bulgaria :  T.T WAAAHH??
Egypt : * sadistic glare* *holds wip*
Sudan: *nods slowly and gets a hold of Egypt*
Algeria: *takes wip*
Sudan, Algeria: Lets do this.
Egypt, Natsuhime, Bulgaria : * confused *
England : *talking to America* *is suddenly dragged from behind by Sudan and Algeria*
America: *akwardly walks away*
England : Bloody hell? *sits at chair together with the middle eastern brothers and sister*
Middle Eastern brothers and sister: Now eat! *gives him French cuisine*
England: *spits* NEVER.
*suddenly France pops up and watches with excitement*


Natsuhime : * weirded out* Well, that ended horribly.
Bulgaria : Yeah..... O.O
Egypt : *proud of himself* It turned out good.
France: *happy* HE ATE MY FOOD!
Natsuhime : Yeah, we know. Now go be french somewhere else.
France : wat?
Bulgaria : * nervous* Sh-she ment no harm, mister France!
France: *suspicious* I hope so....
Egypt: *still happy and excited about what he did* So who's next?
Natsuhime, Bulgaria : Nooooo~
America: Btw, what was so horrible about it?
France : You don't even want to know.
America : BUT I WANNA KNO' *pout*
Egypt: Let me tell you ALL about it!
Bulgaria : NOOOOO O.O
Egypt: So, when England refused to eat, my dear old friend and brother Sudan let him starve for about 3 days, but bcz we hated to wait, we started playing games like, how many times can England listen to Rick Ross ( do we spell it like that?)before he screeches. Oh, and that time we let all of Saudi Arabia's animels gather around him and we lied that they were hungry and they only ate human flesh....But of course after a while we got bored and left him in the basement and forgot about him... Only Saudi Arabia remembered him bcz he wanted his animals back....oh, that was more than three days, maybe a week or so......*continue to brag about his little mischievous games*
America : *whispers to France* I think you were right, I don't want to hear about it T.T But the dude just keeps on talking and I'm afraid that if I go, he'll do the same with me T^T
France: Don't worry, mon ami. This 'dude' used to live with me and belive me, *shivers* he won't do that to you if you leave...
America: *relived* Ahhh, k, fine. Then I'll be goin-
France: He'll make sure your punishment will be as slow and painful as possible.
America : ○.○ i wanna go home

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