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Loki P.O.V

I arrived to the beach late, Gabriel was holding my leg while I held Genesis in my other arm. Laila was holding her youngest brother- Lorien. We made our way to Aria and the others. She grinned as she saw us. Standing up she dusted off the sand before clapping her hands.

"Alright! Role call!"

Everyone stood in a line and I proudly watched at them all.

"Laila and Alex-"

"Here!" The twins shouted. I smiled at my my eldest daughter, who was now 24 and a Healer here on Asgard. Her twin brother, Alex, was married with one small one of his own. His wife, Imogen, was here with us and their son- Roman, who was being held by our daughter Giselle, was mumbling incoherently.


"Here!" Our third eldest, Sebastian, was a beautiful blend of his mother and me. His eyes were green, his face had her tan, freckled complexion, but my height and black hair. He was 23 and training to be an Asgardian soldier. He was the most built of our sons, this was a debate between them but both Aria and I could tell.


"I'm coming! I'm coming!" His voice shouted as he stumbled down the hill with an armful of books. He dropped scrolls on his uncoordinated dash down. Lucas, 22, was an avid reader. He was always in a library or writing furiously. He had his mother's fiery red hair and freckled, but my tall, lean stature. He worked, currently, as an author. He was a heart throb to the women, for romance was the genre he loved to write.

"Thank you for blessing us with your presence, brother." Our next child, Isabel, chided.

Isabel was a spitting image of Aria in both her attitude and her physical appearance. She was 20 and following Sebastian in her steps to being an Asgardian warrior. She; however, was training with Sif to become an assassin. Isabel was as beautiful as she was lethal.

"Shut up Isa," Lucas grumbled and pushed his glasses up his nose.

"Alright, well you're here Isa, Giselle?" I chuckled and found her peeking out behind Alex. Standing at 17 she was tiny and meek, she had my hair color and hazel eyes. We were worried that she may be mute for the first years of her life. Our family even learned sign language for her, but on her thirteenth birthday she spoke to Alex.

Alex was an overprotective brother who watched over Giselle. Giselle spoke very rarely, and often used sign language when she felt to frightened to speak. But when needed she would whisper words. Roman, her nephew, was infatuated with his aunt. She had a way with children and most would cry until she held them.

"Bailor?" I asked and found our 14 year old son who was arguably the most normal of the family. He was calm, very rarely would he pick a fight, and he never needed to be told to clean up. Bailor was black haired and freckled.

"Claudia and Cara?"

"Right here." Claudia shouted and threw a snow ball at Isa who laughed and melted it immediately. The two were as thick as thieves and were the source of most of my headaches. I loved the two dearly, but they were always in trouble. Claudia was as bad, if not worse, as Isabel had been at her age- 12. Clara was silent but deadly. She had a quick wit that was used at the most opportune time. She bonded with Sebastian who rarely spoke.

"Mikel, Malachi, Mina?" Our triplets, all energetic balls of energy that were always attached at the hip. Only 5 years old the two were as mischievous as I had been. They inherited my magic.

"Here momma!" They shouted in unison, their black hair was a blur as they chased one another.

Mikel and Malachi acted very much like five year old boys, but Mina was the beauty queen of the family. She was beg Aria to wear a crown and wouldn't dare dirty her pretty blue dress. I knew I'd be fighting off plenty of suitors when the time came.

"Gabriel?" Our 4 year old looked up and grinned his toothless grin. He was quiet, but had quite the personality. His hair was red and skin freckled and his eyes were icy blue. He was currently holding Genesis. Our one and a half year old baby girl who had oddly inherited both fire and ice.

All our children inherited one dominant magic and the other would come in with age- but weaker. Giselle had both powers and both were dangerously powerful.

"We're all here," Aria grinned. Thirteen beautiful children and now one grandchild. "Great, well, your father and I have some news."

I smiled and took Aria's hand and looked at our large family.

"Don't tell me you're pregnant again," Isabel groaned out and Aria laughed.

"No, not pregnant," She said and nervously took a deep breath. "Your father and I haven't been to Midgard since... well I believe since the triplets were born."

"Are you going to see Auntie Darcy?" Mikel asked and as he pulled on Aria's dress for attention. She smiled softly and nodded, swooping him up. Immediately Malachi and Mina wanted to be lifted so I picked them up and rested them on my hips.

"Yes sweetie, mommy and I are going to visit Aunty Darcy and Aunt Jane."

"What about Papa?" Malachi asked and I nodded.

"Yes we're going to see Papa Eric as well." I said and Mikel's lower lip wobbled.

"But I don't want you to go." He whimpered and Aria smiled and gave his chubby cheeks multiple kisses.

"I won't be leaving you sweetie," She smiled at him and I noticed Claudia and Isabel frown.

"What do you mean? Are they coming to visit?"

"No, we're going on a family vacation!" Aria excitedly said and we watched the reactions. Our children have never left Asgard, and this new would go either way.

"Are you serious?" Claudia asked and grinned, "Sweet."

"But I have work-"

"What's a Midegard?"

"Mama can I bring my crown still?"

"Do we have to go?"

"How long will we be there?"

"This'll be cool!"

A cacophony of voices broke through and Genesis began to cry. Immediately we silenced and Giselle took the baby from Gabe. After a few moments she stopped her shrill weeping and Aria and I gave our daughter a grateful look. She smiled at us in response.

"We will be there for two weeks and visit some places your mother grew up in. You'll visit the places your mother grew up with her sister." I informed them and Gabriel cocked his head.

"You had a sister mama?" Gabrial asked and Aria smiled softly.

"Yeah baby, I had a sister."

"Where is she?"

"She went to a better place sweetie." Aria said and kissed Gabriel's hand as he took hers.

"Her name was Cara, I was named after her Gabe." Cara said and he looked at Cara with wide eyes.

"Mama is Cara your sister?" He said while pointing to his sibling.

"No I'm your sister." Cara laughed and picked him up. "Mom I'm excited to see Midgard."

"As am I," Luca grinned. "It will be great inspiration for my next novel. Lovers from two worlds."

"I can't wait!" Laila smiled, "I've heard so much about it!"

Alex smiled and wrapped an arm around Imogen. His blond wife grinned at Aria, "We are very excited to accompany you Lady Aria."

"Please, call me Aria or mom." Aria instead and Imogen blushed a red.

As the family briefly caught up I took a step back and wrapped my arm around Aria's waist.

"We did good." I stated proudly and Aria placed her hand over my own.

"We did, I love you."

"Forever and always."

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