Chapter 10

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The bus stops at its final destination and one by one the passengers walk out of the bus, Raine does the same as well. She looks around the place she got off and walks without any destination of hers in mind.

She kicks the pebbles on the ground with her hands inside of her pants pocket, while in her head runs the memories she had of her home with her parents.

"Idiot" she curses herself for her stupidity as now her parents hate her and now she has nowhere to go.

She stares up in the clear blue sky and pouts thinking by tomorrow morning the hell will be loose in faculty when they find she has ran off again on her own.

Dante will never approve of her having any vacations, she will be lucky if she got a bathroom break after this, but that will only happen when they catch her, it is only possible if she ever returns back to the one place where she was someone.

Because outside of the faculty grounds Adriana Raine Rain was no one but a ghost. She had no identity at all, unlike all the other members in the faculty she was not a registered member in the world she spent her entire life. Because they never found what species was she.

She was not a human for sure and seeing how she never shifts, being a wolf was out of the question and seeing how she cannot eat any meat and never craved for blood she definitely was not a vampire.

That is why; she was just a ghost in both the worlds.

Now she even has doubts that the Martin's were not her real parents and Thomas was just lying to her. Then again, she did have something in common with her parents.

"Should have done the DNA test," she grumbles kicking a stone on her way once again.

Her stomach grumbles letting her know even if her mood is off her stomach needs some loving. She should have taken the bus to, somewhere near faculty because by now she would have been in there having something.

However, after everything she does not want to go back to faculty, she does not even know what she wants anymore, all her works and sacrifices she has done for faculty was not worth it anymore.

She no longer desires to be in some place where people only want her for what she can do for them. She wants to be in a place she is loved for who she is and not just because she is a key to something.

"Ah all this stuff is messing my head" she cries pulling her hair a bit before once again she kicks the stone on her way, this time with a bit force.

A crash and then a shout is heard as soon as she kicks the stone on the ground, as it seems the stone was a bit bigger than all the other she kicked as well it wet flying straight to the diner in front of her breaking the glass of it's window.

"Oh come on," she shouts throwing her hand in the sky as few of the people walks out looking at her with accused filled eyes.

"You there" one of the men calls her in anger and she slowly makes her way there.

"Hey Bull what's up; sorry about the window can you feed me something before I fix it?" she asks walking inside the diner.

"Blue, is that you?" the big man asks in disbelief.


"What are you doing here and what happened to your hair?" Bull asks as he puts a plate of pancakes in front of her along with a cup of coffee.

"It turned black once I washed the blue away"

"Well, did you meet Jasmine she was worried for you and..."

"Lets leave the past in the past, I need your help" she sighs not wanting to talk about anyone related to Adrian Martin.

"Okay, what is it?"

Devil's Affection [Affection Series 5] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now