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~Age 15 Aphmau~
I awoke to the talking of Laurence and Cadenza. Why do I feel so warm. I started to move my hands but realized they were in Laurence's hand. I'm leaning against Laurence... This is fine. Wait! I'm leaning against Laurence! I sat up, released my hands from Laurence and sat up. I had a blanket over me.

"Morning." I said yawning.

"Aphmau it's 1:36, it's not morning." Laurence said.

"Really! You should've woken me up! Oh my Irene!" I started to ramble. I stood right up and started toward my bedroom. There was a purple dress with white accents here and there and a purple and white flower crown. Someone tapped me on the shoulder.

"You like the dress, I made it." Cadenza said.

"Yeah... I don't know what to say... It's beautiful!" I said.

"Thanks, but now go try it on." She said pushing me to the bathroom to get dressed. She handed me the dress. It took me about 30 minutes to take a shower and get on the dress. It was so pretty. I stepped out of the bathroom.

"Cadenza you out-did yourself." I said in awe.

"So that's a good thing?" She asked.

"Of course!" I said.

"That's good, now since you said you liked it when Laurence did your hair, he's doing it again." She said pulling me out to my black makeup desk with the mirror. I sat on the hair and a knock came at the door.

"You can come in Laurence!" Cadenza said. He opened the door wearing a blue vest with long sleeves and black jeans.

"Laurence can you do my hair?" I asked.

"That's like the only reason why I'm here." He said.

"Whatever." I said. I handed him the brush and he started brushing through my long black hair. Cadenza handed him the flower crown after he pulled my bangs up and leaving some bangs down. He put the purple flower crown on me.

"There." He said.

"Thanks you, both, you know you didn't have to do that." I said.

"Yeah we had too, don't be modest." Cadenza said. A knock came at the door.

"I'll get it." I said jumping off the makeup desk chair. I headed down the hallway and turned to open the door. I opened the door to see Garroth.

"Hey Aphmau!" He said.

"Come in." I let him inside of the house.

"Aphmau who is it?" Laurence called.

"It's Garroth!" I called back. Laurence walked over to me.

"He Garroth." He said smiling.

"Are you going to school today, cause you would be an hour late? Or are you going to the thing in a hour." Garroth asked trying to not say the word funeral.

"I'm going to that 'thing' in an hour." Laurence said doing air quotations. Garroth nodded his hand.

"So how are you Aphmau?" He asked.

"I'm good, thanks Garroth for asking." I said.

"No problem." He ruffled his light blond hair.

"Laurence I have to be there early..." I told Laurence.

"I'll come with you, Cadenza and Garroth will be coming when it starts." Laurence said.

"Okay, let me go pick some flowers in the garden real fast and grab a purse." I said. He nodded his head as I made my way to the back door where my flower garden is. I grab some purple lilacs and a couple red roses which are my dads favorite. I put them in a glass vase which had some water in it. I ran into my room, grabbed a black leather purse and filled it with tissues and some lip balms. I walked back over to Laurence.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Yep." I said putting my purse over my shoulders and holding the case of flowers with two hands. His funeral was at the church. It took about 2 minutes to walk there. I stopped Laurence in front of the church.

"Aphmau-" I stopped him before he could say anything.

"I don't know what my emotions will be like, and I don't want you to see me all beat up." I said looking at him directly into his beautiful blue eyes. He took both of my hands and looked right back at me.

"Aphmau I'm not allowing yourself to go in there alone, I'm coming with you." Laurence said. I sighed in defeat. I let go of one of his hands but kept the other one tightly in my grip. We both started walking inside of the church.

"Hello miss, mr, are you Aphmau?" The priest asked. I nodded my head. He bowed as a sign of respect.

"Your father is right over there, if you need anything before the funeral starts come get me, I'll be setting up some cards and placing them out for people to take them." The priest said.

"Thank you." I said. He walked off. I looked up to the front of the church where my dads casket lays right in front of Lady Irene's statue. I walk up to the casket. I feel myself start to shake. I gripped onto Laurence's hand even tighter. I feel tears start to pour down my cheek as I see my dads lifeless body. I start sobbing, the annoying loud one. Laurence let go of my head and wrapped his arms around my waist and his head laying on my shoulder. I can feel his own tears coming on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around his neck still crying. We stayed in this embrace for like 7 minutes before I slowed my crying. Laurence wiped my tears from my face.

"Are you okay?" Laurence asked.

"No." I said. He tried to give me a nice smile but failed.

~Age 15 Laurence~
I hate seeing Aphmau like this. She's still trembling and I can tell she's trying to fight back tears, but the tears won. I looked over at the casket where her dads corpse lays. I don't think Aphmau will ever feel at peace at this church again because of how his place reeks of death and mixtures of dead and alive flowers. Man I won't ever feel the same here again. I wrap my arm around Aphmau again. She's so distant, almost too distant. I feel like with a single snap she will be lost or broken. I let go of her shoulder and she walked all the way up to the casket and kneeled down in front of it. She clasped her hands together and started praying. In the middle of her prayer her body started to flow a faint white. What?

"Aphmau?" I asked. When she turned around to look at me the glowing stopped.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Never mind, It was nothing." I said. She stood up.

"People should be here any moment, how can I pull myself together?" She asked. I grabbed a tissue from the purse she brought and wiped some tears from her face. She blew her nose then put on some lip balm.

"Time to go receive a bunch of sorry's from all of my friends for a death that shouldn't have happened." She said. Yep she on the break of losing it.

"Aphmau, you need to calm down, that's an obvious. It shouldn't have happened. But I'm going to find who it is and put a stop to him." I said. She looked up at me with those gorgeous orangish, brown eyes.

"And I'm going to help find this guy." She said.

"Unless it gets dangerous then I'll lock you in a cell if I have too." I said. She punched my arm.

"Owe! What was that for?" I questioned her.

"Lock me in a cell, and I'll do more than just punch you." She threatened. I started laughing a little bit. It's so weird to see her act so tough. She pouted. I swear this girl is something.

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