Chapter 4

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Evelyn’s POV

My eyes scanned the horizon, the Mediterranean Sea at my right. The azure blue was amazing under the mild sunlight. A dark sky was slowly settling onto Marseilles, in the South of France. The afternoon was coming to its end and the sky was covered with thick gray clouds. Soon, with the vanishing of the sun, the beautiful sea slowly matched the gray colour of the sky.

I observed the lounge where every piece of furniture was black or red. Four armchairs and a small coffee table gathered in the middle of the large room.  In the corner, a small desk stood for the work that was waiting for me. The wall that separated the lounge from my bedroom held large mirrors. My suitcase was waiting to be unpacked, but I never gathered the necessary strength to unpack.

I was in a bathrobe, since I had just taken a long bath. I took a pill, a few minutes ago. It only caused a hazy sensation in my head, but it was the expected feeling. 

We had landed the day before after a rather quick flight from Manchester. Tomlinson and Holman were out in town to visit before the business talk. I preferred staying in the suite to get some rest. In the morning, we went to visit the lavender fields to confirm the quality of their production. I hadn’t been too useful with all the agronomy terms, I gave that work to Tomlinson. Then, we visited the factory for the processing of the lavender to make essential oil. The negotiations about the delivery were my job. We had to sign deals for essential oil for our range of bath products.

However, I couldn’t focus on my work, busy looking at the dark sea. The darkening weather just matched with the darkness of my mood.

Emptiness fulfilled me for the last forty-eight hours. I couldn’t even lie to myself by telling it was tiredness or the effect of the pills. My heart knew how much I was missing Harry, which created the feeling of emptiness in my whole body. Every part of me missed every part of him. Harry had always been very addictive, making me want to be with him, at all times. But never did I think he would be on my mind to a point my mood would switch darker than it usually was.

I regretted telling Patrick that I had no feelings for Harry. When Patrick had thrown the mocking words at me, I felt ashamed for having feelings for someone. Thankfully, Harry would never hear that.

Leaning into the comfortable, red armchair, with papers lying on my lap, I was thinking about him and only him. His lips, his face and his embrace were something I was craving for. Oh! Harry’s warmth. The effects of his smallest touch made my heart jolt, which was something I only experienced with him. He made me so vulnerable. If he were there, he would wrap his arms around me and…

Eve! Wake up! He doesn’t want to talk to you. I had attempted calling him, before leaving Manchester. However, it never rang. I would think he had shut his phone down. But I clearly saw Tomlinson talk to him on phone when we landed. It meant he didn’t want to talk to me. I shoved the thoughts from my mind. Harry was just… someone who played with me. I told him I loved him and now, he ignored me.

My phone started to ring, breaking the silence off the room. I didn’t know where I had put my phone. I looked around me and found it on the floor. How did it end up there? Bowing, I picked it up from the thick carpeting. My previous sadness faded as Niall’s name appeared on the screen.

I hadn’t seen him in a few weeks, which almost came unnoticed as Harry spent much time with me. I excitedly picked the call up and pressed the phone against my ear.

“Hey hey hey!” his voice sounded amused through the phone. A grin came across my lips. It felt good to hear a familiar voice.

“Hi,” I greeted with less excitement. I wanted to sound as enthusiastic as he was, however, the sadness hung on my mood.

Haziness (Sequel to Business) |H.S|Where stories live. Discover now