Chapter 22

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HELLOO THERE! THANKS To Ihatestuffandstuff


I groaned loudly as cold water suddenly met my bare back, by floods. I caught my lower lip under my teeth to stop me from shouting. Warm water from the shower suddenly turned cold as ice. Damn, I couldn't stand such a cold as I was used to long warm baths.

I didn't even stay in the shower for ten minutes as I stepped out of there, in a rush. A pile of neat clothing was waiting for me on a piece of furniture. I had to leave Harry's family house for Manchester, since I had 'important deals' to sign in urgency; so I needed to be well-dressed.

I guess these were Gemma's clothing, before her pregnancy. I put my lace bra on, and then lifted up a white short-sleeved shirt, which looked pretty good. I slipped it on, and then put a pair of black jeans on. I actually made the right choice to take the high-wasted one, from the old wardrobe. I turned towards the pharmacy box, and fixed the mirror hiding the dozen of meds. I sighed out, looking at myself in the mirror and felt my heart alleviate.

I felt nauseous after Lauren and I ordered a phone. Harry didn't give me my daily dose of meds since I already gulped a good amount of them the night before. I assumed it was the reason of my queasy state and the haze that settled into my mind. I could feel my body slowly falling to pieces, by having meds. However, my degree of craving couldn't fall faster than intended.

I shook my thoughts off and fast replaced my frown by a smile. I had to go downstairs as Anne told me. I pushed my feet into my pair of stilettos before spray my neck and hands with perfume. My favourite one from Sethi's since Harry had been modeling for the last promotion.

Soon, I stayed at the door of the large living room, where Harry's whole family was gathered. I was surprised to see that three fourth of the people were all women. Harry was right, he had been raised by female neighbourhood. My eyes looked for Harry among the twenty-ish people in the room, before entering.
They were so numerous that older people sat on the couch and younger people took a spot on armrests and some casually sat on the carpet. Whiskey and champagne bottles were set on the table, next to a mountain of gifts. All of these people left their duties and houses for a family gathering, just the birth of a new baby.

I sighed in relief, as I finally spotted him, at the other side of the room, next to the window. He seemed to be in a long talk with Cathie, who didn't even seem to hate him, at all, as Harry said.

He noticed my presence at the door and a smile formed across his lips. He motioned me forward, which I didn't agree with. His whole family would have their eyes on me, which made me more uncomfortable than usually. I stayed at the door, until Gemma saw me.

"Come on in, Evelyn." She surprisingly smiled at me, as if she had actual sympathy for me. However, her invitation made everyone spin his or her heads to the door. They all looked at me with curious eyes, I assumed they were asking themselves who I was.

I made a few steps forward and smiled at them. Having Harry's whole family around was like being a rupee among pounds. Harry came to meet me in the middle of the room.

"This is Eve, my girlfriend," he introduced me to his family. Harry's sparkling eyes made butterflies spring in my belly. At first, all I saw was his beautiful eyes admiring me. Then, I realized we weren't alone, as he just ran his arm around my hips. I received smiles back and greetings, which just made my smile larger.

I mimicked a 'Hi' on my lips, as Harry dragged me to his place, next to Cathie.
"Welcome in the family, love." An elderly woman, whose features resembled a lot to Anne's, told me. She seemed to think that girlfriend meant fiancée; which sent shivers down my spine. Since I called off my engagement with Lens, I never thought of anything so serious and solemn.

Haziness (Sequel to Business) |H.S|Where stories live. Discover now