Chapter 7

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Harry’s POV (standing ovation for Mr. Styles)

As the car was driven towards high gates, I observed with anxiety the huge property.

Hidden behind black Ray-Bans, my eyes were heavy, due to sleepless nights for a week. The battle with sleepiness was hard thing until the car stopped in front of a mansion.

Eve had been away, for almost a week. She had been ignoring my calls, the first days. Robin, my boss, decided to dismiss me, against her will. She needed me to help her out at her company but my state couldn’t allow any work that involved convincing strangers to put their trust in me, while I couldn’t even get full trust from the woman I loved.

Her departure tasted acid, making me feel desperately alone. Her voice telling me she loved me was keeping me going, throughout the long and interminable days. However, it reminded me that she slipped through my fingers while I could have changed something. Thinking of her in Patrick’s arms was torturing, and even though she was in France and then in Ireland, away from him.

My days consisted in drinking at home, in a bar and outside, restricting my rare moments of soberness to my rare moments of sleepiness. I wanted to forget the dam-n words that cut out a deep hole into my chest. I needed to forget about her and all the hopes I secretly built up. However, forgetting someone like Evelyn wasn’t the easiest task on earth. Eve was there, chasing me in my sporadic sleeps, never leaving me alone. She seemed to be everywhere, my apartment held the little things she forgot on her fast passages.

“I’m driving the car to the garage. You just wait here, someone’s going to come.” The man I knew a couple hours ago told me with a smile. He had heavy bags under his eyes, like me, due to long driving he must have done.

He pushed on the horn twice, to warn the occupants of the mansion of our presence. The lights in the house appeared through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

“Thanks, man.” I said, with a low voice, opening the door from the passenger seat.

“Thank you for coming so fast.” He grinned, nodding at me. He wasn’t a very talkative guy, which offered me long time to think.

I gave him a last grateful smile before grabbing my unique luggage, which consisted in my old backpack. I filled it with very random things when I got that call. Jumping out of the MPV, I discovered a clearer sky and behind the trees, the sun was slowly rising. It could be six or seven in the morning with fresh, humid air hitting my skin. I let out a sigh and white flow of air escaped my nostrils. It was dam-n cold outside the car and no one seemed to notice my presence.
My eyes checked on the mansion where most of the windows still displayed light. So people should be awake. Greg drove the car away, leaving me in the empty yard.

I was trying to figure out what happened to Eve, the last night. I was still mad for the words she spat at me. However, Niall’s call convinced me into forgetting my pride and jump in the first plane for Dublin.

It was by midnight, when my mind couldn’t let me sleep and my only comfort was my bottle of vodka. Sprawling out in my couch, I received a first call from Evelyn. When I heard her voice, mixed feelings spread out, surprised not to hear Niall. A hint of hope flashed through me, erasing all my hate and bitterness for short moment. But the bottle in my hand only reminded me what she did to me. Never in my life had I let a woman hurt me. I was used to the other way round.

The emptiness she created in my life by leaving. The feeling of incompleteness was unfamiliar to me and I couldn’t stand feeling weak.

Then, I got another call. I almost didn’t pick it up, assuming it could be Eve, again. However, it was a different number.

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