Chapter 24

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Thanks to niallsmaingirl for voting xx


Harry’s POV

“She cried, and then she suddenly screamed at me.” She said aloud to cover the sound from the TV. She woke up earlier, and totally forbade me to put a foot in the kitchen. I could tell she was trying to surprise me with breakfast.

However, I woke up once I felt an empty spot in the bed. Somehow, the irrational fear that she could change her mind and leave me in bed again still haunted me. However, I kept myself from telling her anything about that. That’s incredibly stupid.

Evelyn was telling me how the discussion with her mother went. I could not picture her cold mother crying, but from what Evelyn just said, she had all the reasons to.
I was seated in front of the TV, watching news about economy. If I dared to channel-hop, Evelyn would burst into the living room and kill me. I leant my back against the back of the couch, to be more comfortable, waiting to see what was Evelyn up to.

“And instead of learning from her own mistakes, she assured me that I better be alone instead of dating you.” Her last words sounded to be closer, which tore my eyes from the TV. She was walking towards me, with a plate in her hands. A delicious perfume of strawberry flattered my nostrils. A large smile crept on her lips, showing me a plate of waffles with strawberry jam covering them.

"Do you think she's right?" I asked her, as if doubts still filled my mind about us. The real blockage for Evelyn and I were our lack of confidence in each other. She could change her mind, was the sentence that often crossed my mind.

"No," She spat, narrowing her eyes at me. She sensed the deep meaning of my question. Obviously. "I wouldn’t spend my time in the damn kitchen for someone I'm not happy with."
Her response quieted my ridiculous fears and let a place for a wave of happiness. Even though she said it in the negative form, with her very negative side, I grasped that my fears had no reason to be.

She handed me the porcelain plate, which I gladly grabbed. Then, she sat next to me, her big eyes begging me to taste her cuisine.

I jabbed a fork into the mountain of waffles, hoping they were as delicious as they seemed to be.
I shoved a huge mouthful into my mouth. My palate was graced with sweet flavor. They actually tasted great; I hummed in pleasure while chewing every piece. I was surprised she managed to make so delicious waffles. Every time she attempted to cook something, it ended up into burnt food and general mock.

Evelyn was so different, which turned out to be weird for me. The way she attempted to be caring was hard to get accustomed to. I was used to her meanness and haughty ways, which made her warmth unusual, but definitely precious and adorable.

“If you prepared these waffles for Helen, I’m pretty sure she will stop annoying you.” I complimented, which just made her roll her eyes. Our mothers were totally opposed to our relationship, which did not surprise me at all. We both knew our relationship didn’t receive the same recognition as our previous ones. Helen never attempted to put an end to Patrick and Eve’s relationship. My mother always loved her dear Angelica.

“That would be cool,” she said, before spinning her head around. Her eyes were glued to the TV.
“She’s like that because she’s obviously sad behind her cold façade.” I said, placing the empty plate on the coffee table. She nodded at me and shrugged her shoulders off, without tearing her gaze from the screen. “And that’s why she makes sure you won’t get the chance to be happy, either."

Haziness (Sequel to Business) |H.S|Where stories live. Discover now