Chapter 23

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lisa_audis thanks for always voting xx


Karl walked both Edwards and me to the front doors and held an umbrella above my head. I glanced back at Harry, before coming inside Sethi’s building. He was out of the car, totally soaked under the pouring rain. His hair was stuck against his forehead, as he waved at us, before sliding in the driver’s seat.

“I guess I’m not driving him anywhere.” Karl pointed, cocking an eyebrow. I nodded at him, knowing Harry did not fancy the chauffeur concept, and other rich person’s concepts either.

Edwards and I entered the grand-hall, and she started to inform me about everything happening. However, she did not know the issues that should be discussed during the meeting, though. No one mentioned the problem we had to solve together. The lack of understanding made my stomach twist into knots.

The meeting room was widely open, which made me decide to glance inside. The large room was unexpectedly empty, surprising me. I thought everyone would be waiting for me, and my mother would be gracing me with her dark stare.

Therefore, I stepped into the meeting room, to wait for the others. A vague of memories hit me, once I saw the furniture, the immense picture window and a chair in particular. Harry’s chair.
I could recall that day so perfectly, Harry was sitting there, and audaciously proposed investors to add men in Sethi’s staff. He kept being so stubborn, that Benson decided to fire him right away.
Without me realizing it, a large grin formed on my lips and a light chuckle escaped them.

“Oh, Mrs. Sethi!” Edwards exclaimed, which chased my pleasant memories away. I spun around, and was met with my tall mother, perched on her Italian high heels.
Last time we were face to face, we had a brutal argue about my brand new relationship with Harry. The two of us frowned, as if we didn’t know each other, or worst, we hated each other. Our mother-daughter relationship would never be a normal one, except if a miracle blessed us. However, I didn’t believe in miracles.

“Good morning, mum,” I greeted, with a low tone of voice. The coldness of her greeting back sounded natural, as if the formal and distant bond became our everyday life.
Another greeting broke the awkward silence. The voice was familiar. Holman, the woman who accompanied Tomlinson and me on the business trip came into view. In her usual flamboyant outfit, which clashed my mother’s dark clothing.

Her presence involved that I made a mistake during our business trip. Stress started to be spread through my veins, as I feared a mistake of mine could have affected the deals or our financial situation in a negative way.

“Let’s take a seat; I have to read a few more papers before beginning.” She said before marching straight towards the chair next to my mother’s one. Helen followed her and took a seat on her specific chair. Edwards suddenly disappeared, leaving me alone with two silent women who didn’t explain me anything.

“Sorry, I’m late,” I heard another voice, accompanied with squeaking of shoes. I turned my eyes to the door. Shock hit me when the chubby features and blond hair appeared at the frame of the door. Maura Ward. My mouth fell open at her sight, what was Niall’s mother doing at Sethi Cosmetics, in the meeting room where my mother and I were. A thousand thoughts ran over my head, within a few seconds, making it impossible for me to shape one proper thought.

“I think I specified I just wanted to meet an advocate, not you.” I heard my mother boom from the other side of the room. My head flipped automatically to see her, she stood up. You could see her features harden, her forehead frowning slowly at her sight, which astounded me. Her eyes darkened, displaying full hate. She clenched her jaw, while her eyes fixed Maura’s.

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