Chapter 5

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because vvv long chappie!


The white walls seemed to move around me, budging up and down in a wavy way. Sat on the covered toilets with another strap of pills in my shaky hands, my body rocked to the left, then to the right, unable to keep stiff. I broke the promises to Dr. Rums, I had abused the pills, again. However, I couldn't contain myself anymore. The strap seemed to call for me whenever I tried to shove them away from me.

The effects lingered on my body for two days, since the day Tomlinson told me the truth. My heart ached, tightening around itself and suddenly relaxing. That's what I felt whenever Tomlinson landed an eye on me. The sad truth was that he was everywhere with me with hate gushing from his eyes, making me feel bad.

Harry didn't want to speak to me anymore, which I could understand. Tomlinson told me about the call Harry had received from me. However, I never called him to stop him from meeting me.

But I knew who used my phone for that purpose. Since we left France, we had given our phones and laptops to be checked if any spy virus had infected them. My cell phone was the only one. I was given information about the hacker, which was an IP address. Every phone call, every fake e-mail, every app installation was made from Patrick's computer. Everything came clear to me... the Voice Modulation application reproduced my voice, to call Harry, at my place.

He didn't have the right to spy on me even though I wanted someone else than him. His behaviour had deceived me. I shouldn't have let my guard down because he seemed nice, which saddened me a lot. But that's what you get when you aren't faithful.

My attempts to explain Tomlinson were vain, he still refused to me, thinking I lied again. I understood how protective he was about his friend. I might just have to talk to Harry when the business travel stopped. Everything should be different if we were face to face.

Now, with the haziness that the pills brought to my mind, I felt somewhat better. Aches couldn't almost be felt. However, I knew the aches were there, keeping on destroying every part of me. I just didn't feel them too much, to a rack nerving point.

We left France two days ago, after a good and short negotiation about the delivery. After taking a short day of break, we directly flied to Dublin for another meeting. We were in the fancy restaurant, waiting for that botanist that had a brand new product to show us. While waiting, the excess of pills made my head spin around. Everything around me got blurred and a urge to vomit seized me. That's how I ended up in the toilets, waiting for the haze in my mind, to fade, at least, lessen.

I leant against the wall, closing my eyes. I was woken up by bangs at the door. My eyes opened with much more difficulty, however, the determination of the one who banged forced me to move.

"Miss Sethi?" I recognized Holman's worried voice. Fighting against the sleepiness, I forced my eyes open and sighed once to retrieve some strength. My body was too weak to make moves, as if my bones disappeared. Feeling too weak to get up, I opened my mouth to say something.

"Open the door," I let out almost inaudible words, too different from my usual high tone of voice. Soon, the door swung open and Holman's entered with some apprehension in her eyes. However, her mouth hung open, as she walked towards me.
"What happened?" She hurriedly asked, wrapping both hands around my arms. But my silence was her only response.

Wrapping her arm under my waist, she helped me up. My legs trembled as my whole body weighed on them. We walked out of the small cabinet. Even though she didn't utter a word, I could feel her misunderstanding and the tiredness she earned because of my weight. I lessened her task by forcing my legs to make steps towards the basins. The few feet between the toilets and the basin seemed to be miles at our slow pace.

Haziness (Sequel to Business) |H.S|Where stories live. Discover now