Chapter 34

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“Evelyn, we’re taking the plane in a few hours and you aren’t still on your way to Manchester?” My mother scolded through the phone. I slowly drew the phone back from my face, preventing my ear from bleeding. My mother sounded horrified by the fact that it was her special day and I seemed reluctant about attending it.

“You know, I’m supposed to meet Harry who’s in Cambridge today in an hour. Right after that, I’ll catch our flight.” I said, firmly hoping Helen would understand the situation. However, something told me she would not give much care to my uncomfortable position. As I expected screams and threats to break my ears, nothing happened. There was an odd silence between us.

“Hmm,” she muttered. From experience, I knew it was not a good sign. “Remind me why you should meet him.”

“I told you already. He’s here for a conference. We did not meet in a few weeks, so I guess I should spend some time with my boyfriend before flying to Paris with you.” I explained, rolling my eyes, knowing she would not see me. I let myself fall onto the couch, waiting for her to start arguing.

My mother was my mother. She would scold at me anyway; still, I wished she could accept an exception to her greatly planned day. I had already made my mind about not choosing between my lover and my family. My plan was to spend some time with Harry for an hour or so before jumping in a car to join my mother. Even though the time was counted, it should be possible. I needed to see him, to be in his arms even in a short moment. That feeling of being embraced would never be replaced by any trip to Paris.

“Of course, your boyfriend needs so much attention.” Her sarcastic tone broke all of my hopes and I did not expect her to empathize with me anymore. “Tell him you’re leaving and come over right now!”

“I can’t!” I said, jumping off the couch. It drove me mad how she could not even understand a single thing. I still intended to join her in Paris, but with a few hours late on Helen’s schedule. I stood still in the middle of the living room, staring at the door. “I’m waiting for him. And if you don’t want to wait for me, then you and Niall are free to go to your important event, alone.”

“Do you think I invited you only because you’re my daughter? You’re part of Sethi Cosmetics and I counted on your support for tonight.” Her tone was calm and composed.


“Here me out. I don’t think you will ever understand. In a short moment, you’ll be at head of whole department of the company. It involves working hard, respecting schedules, putting some priorities, and having a long-term objectives. And because you are my daughter does not mean you’ll be a sort of favourite. Set your priorities. Right now.”

Her dead calm tone magnified the heavy atmosphere in the apartment, it felt as if she were in front of me, not miles away. My fingers ran through my hair, trying to alleviate the headache that was starting to settle.

“Perhaps you aren’t ready for such a responsibility. You prefer staying with your boyfriend. I might be wrong about giving you a whole department. Just prove me wrong, Evelyn.”

Harry’s POV

The conference was over, the lecture hall started to go empty as people slowly exited. I gathered my notes and followed the crowd.

The conference reminded me of how life used to be before my mother's health problems. Going to classes every day used to be boring at some point and then it all suddenly stopped. Now, I missed college. And I still could not believe what I was thinking about.

Haziness (Sequel to Business) |H.S|Where stories live. Discover now