Request - Drabble Kai Parker (and Caroline Forbes)

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"Can't you just stop seeing him?" Caroline had her arms crossed over her chest and you raised your eyebrows before you started laughing. She wasn't actually trying to be funny. Most people weren't when they were around you, but that didn't mean you would stop laughing.

"You really have no idea what it is, do you?" You cocked your head. You were sitting on a chair, your hands tied on your back. You knew that Kai was somewhere in a cell close to you. Close to you, but still too far away to your liking. "You don't know what it is to be crazy and mad."

Kai knew what it was to be crazy and mad. He knew that normal people were boring. He knew that no doctor would be able to find the right pills to fix whatever they though was wrong with the two of you. He knew that being of the rocker and causing mischief was the best that could ever happen to you. He knew that all the best people were crazy.

"I know that the two of you are hurting people!" Caroline raised her voice and you stared at her shaking your head.

"And that gives you the right to hurt us?" You spoke softly before you smiled. "Listen to me blondie, Kai is the only one who understands me and keeps me sane. Many many more people will die if you don't let me see him, I promise you that."

2016 February CollectionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon