Request - Drabble Damon Salvatore

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The moment you woke up, you knew that something was wrong. Your throat was soar, your entire body was sweating and your stomach was filled with killer bees. You moaned, trying to press yourself up, but falling back into your pillow right away.

"What's going on?" Damon opened his eyes and he turned himself towards you. His eyes widened when he noticed the sweat on your forehead and he automatically placed the back of his hand on it. "Dammit, you're glowing." He pushed himself up and he quickly put on some clothes before he stepped out of the bed.

"I'll be fine..." You said weakly. You didn't even know why you were saying it. Maybe because you weren't looking forward to spending the day in bed instead of in the park, as Damon had promised you.

"No, you're not fine." Damon turned around and shook his head. "You're glowing and you're sweating and you look like a ghost." He crossed his arms over his chest. "Until you look and feel better, you're not going anywhere. Do you hear me?" He waited until you nodded and then he turned around. "I'll make you some soup and we're gonna spend the rest of the day, or even the week if we have to, in bed."

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