Request - Drabble Derek Hale

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Everything had changed since Derek was gone. The world had lost a few of it's colors. The music had lost a few of it's melodies and your heart had lost a little bit of it's love.

You knew that your life shouldn't revolve around a guy. You knew that he had not broken up with you, that he called and texted you, that he had even learned how to use the mail on his phone.

But it was not the same as having him here, as holding him, as kissing him, touching him.

You shook up when you heard a short knock on the door. For a short moment you and Scott exchanged a look, but eventually Scott stood up and you followed him to the hallway. Not that you would be of much use when something would want to harm Scott, but being alone in the living room didn't sound like a pleasant alternative.


Your eyes widened, your jaw dropped and before you realized what you were doing, you were running towards the man in the doorway. You threw yourself in his arms and you pressed your lips on his, feeling how he caught you with a smile on his face.

He wasn't smiling often, but Derek had the most wonderful smile in the world and it had been way too long since you had seen it.

"What are you doing here?"

He had said that he would be gone until Kate was caught, until she was killed or safely locked away. "I had to see you." He whispered and he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I wanted to be sure that you were okay." His nose brushed yours and he kissed you again. "I can't stay long. We've got a new lead, but I just missed you."

2016 February CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now