Request - Drabble Bellamy Blake

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You didn't know why you were still alive, how you were still alive. Maybe it was because you had acted like you had been dead. You had stopped moving, had even tried to stop breathing.

It seemed like forever before the ice nation had finally left, but they had left you for dead, which was a good thing. If someone who could save you would find you in time, at least.


You sighed relieved, already regretting that immediately because it did hurt, when you heard Bellamy.

"(Y/N)?" He screamed your name, over and over.

You wished that you could scream back, but you had barely enough energy to keep yourself alive. Instead you just moaned, softly and barely hearable, hoping that it would be enough.

"(Y/N)!" Bellamy kneeled down next to you. He noticed the cut in your neck and the blood coming out of it. As quickly as he could, he pressed a cloth against the wound. "Can you hold this?" He stared at you and you nodded, even though it was only weakly. Carefully Bellamy grabbed your hand and pressed it to the wound in your neck. "Don't worry, I've got you." He waited until he was certain that you would be able to hold your arm like that, then he lifted you up and started running. He started running as fast as he could, back to the camp.

2016 February CollectionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant