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"How did you get yourself in a situation like this? Again?" You were untying Enzo from the chair in the class room after Damon left -he couldn't be bothered with it-, and slowly the ropes soaked with vervain fell to the ground.

Enzo sighed dramatically. "How should I know that, darling? Maybe you should ask Donovan, seeing that he started this whole mess. How the bloody hell should I have known that girl could get out of a glass cell? It was designed to hold someone in."

You kneeled down to undo the last knot, unwinding the rope. "And you didn't realize that if some shamans gave someone the ability to raise from the ashes, they could have given her some extra strength as well?"

He stood up, stretching his muscles that had been forced in the same position for too long. "That feels good, love..." He shrugged. "I probably should have, but that particular detail slipped my mind. Do you honestly think they told me everything about her? I was just glad to be out of that bloody cage. And yes, I'm very much aware I have to do some things that I don't particularly like to stay out of it."

You suddenly relaxed as well. Somehow you had forgotten where he came from and what the fact that he had been locked up, again, would have probably done to him. You stroked his arm. "It's gonna be ok... we're going to get you free from them, ok?"

He wrapped his arm around you, pressing you closer to him. "I sure hope so, darling... at least I don't have to do it all by myself this time."

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