Preference: What He Teases You About

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Harry always teases you about your old fan account and he even told your parents about the stuff you used to write and he mimicked your voice "she used to say 'I love Harry so much! He's soo hot'" Harry told them. Your parents burst out laughing while you just sat glaring at Harry and thinking of a suitable punishment for revenge.

Niall always teases you about your height, your only a tiny bit smaller than him but he teases you about it because he can put stuff on a higher shelf and then wait for you to ask for help. Although it didn't always work because now you tend to climb up onto cabinets to reach things and that makes Niall tease you more.

Zayn always teases you about your small feet. He always cups your feet in his hands and tells you how cute they are which makes you embarrassed because of the way he acts. "Aw look at your tiny feet" he'll coo and you'll just roll your eyes at him, but after a while you always end up bursting into fits of laughter.

Liam always teases you about your posters. You used to have posters of the boys in your room and on your ceiling you keep it full of Liam posters which he found hiding in the back of your wardrobe when you were moving in with him. "I hate you now" "well you clearly don't if you had posters of me" he winked making you get up and leave the room silently giggling to yourself.

Louis teases you because he found your old YouTube account where you used to post videos fangirling over him and his bum. Louis once walked into the living room and said "so you like my bum?" Which made you look up confused. "'I love louis tomlinsons bum, it's so sassy'" he mimicked and you immediately knew what he was talking about. From that day onwards he always teased you.

Hey everyone!!

I'm SO SO SO sorry that I haven't updated in a while but
1. I've been really busy:(
2. I have writers block:( and I've run out of ideas:(

So I would appreciate your suggestions in the comments below please! It will help me update a lot quicker!:)

PS- check out my new Harry fanfic, love hate :)

-Lauren xo (:

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