Chapter Nine

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Camila's POV

"Camz, my water broke."

I looked at Lauren to see if she was joking but she wasn't because it looked as if she had wet her pants this was real, Lauren was about to have that baby.

"Okay, are you having any contractions?" I asked her.

"No I'm not, Camila I'm not ready for this." I could already see the panic growing in her eyes.

"Stop Lauren, you have a little one looking at you right now so you're not going to freak out or anything like that it's going to be fine." I tell her.

Lauren looked over at Kenzie who was looking right at us.

"Alright listen Lauren; your contractions hadn't started yet so we have time before we have to get to the hospital. So what you're going to do is jump into the shower really quickly. I will lay out a change of clothes for you and while you're in the shower I'm going to call your mom to get Kenzie from the hospital. Everything is going to be okay, I'm here you have nothing to worry about." I instructed calmly.

"Okay." She said but I could still tell she was a bit anxious about what's to come.

Lauren got into her shower and I got out a change of clothes like I said, I called Clara letting her know to meet us at the hospital in about thirty minutes. I grabbed Kenzie from the playroom and put her shoes on her and quickly packed her an overnight bag. McKenzie kept asking what was going on and I told her that her mommy was going to have the baby and she got excited. I grabbed the bags that Lauren and I packed for the hospital and I sat them in the living room, I told McKenzie to stay in the front and watch Doc McStuffins while I checked on Lauren. I walked into Lauren's room and she was already dressed she was sitting on the bed holding her belly wincing a little.

"Are you starting to feel them?" I asked her.

"Just a little bit nothing too intense just yet." She shares.

"Let's get you to the hospital, slip on some flip-flops and we can go." I tell her.

Lauren gets up and put on some flip-flops it wasn't long before we were all in the car on the way to the hospital. I was actually really nervous about this I was going to be Lauren's coach through this and although I was there when Kenzie was born David is who she leaned on for support. So this was going to be a completely different experience, I'm going to be the one telling her to stay strong and fight through the pain it was a big task.

"Mommy you're going to have my baby brother?" McKenzie asked from the backseat.

"Yeah honey you're going meet him really soon." She says.

"Why do you have to go to the hospital?" She asked.

"The doctors are going to help me get your brother out of my tummy." She explained.

"Can I see them do it?"

"No baby girl, Nana's going to take you to her house and bring you back when your little brother is here it can still take a while." Lauren said.

Kenzie asked questions the entire way to the hospital and Lauren answered them all even though she would take a pause to deal with some contractions. I noticed that they were really coming now I was timing them as we rode. Once we got inside I took Lauren up to the front desk to get her admitted, a nurse got her in a wheelchair and rolled her to the Labor and Deliver wing while I held Kenzie. As they got Lauren settled into a room and got all the machine and things hooked up to her McKenzie and I were in the waiting room waiting for Lauren's mom. It didn't take long for her to get here and this woman was thrilled she couldn't wait for this baby to get here. She wanted to see Lauren before she left so she went back to see her and I sat with Kenzie on my lap.

A Hug Instead of Saying Something (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now