"Abduction" Part 6 (1/3)

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-In the Car

Zayn's POV

     So I'm driving Sahar to the mall. I just can't believe Harry is coming! Damn it! He's gonna flirt with her and try and steal her away. Sahar actually chose him to come with us. I preferred Liam or Niall. They are way less flirty and they aren;t girl thiefs! Unlike some people... And I mean Harry and Louis. I look to my right and I see Harry looking into the mirror, trying to check out Sahar in the back. Oh god...

Harry's POV

     Haha, YES! Sahar picked me to come with them to go shopping. I might get to see her naked...... Oh! I can feel Zayn's jealousy. I got an idea.... I should get into Sahar's mind!! That is my vampire ability... So yeah! Awesome. Ugh... I love being a vampire! Sometimes.... I could see that Sahar is staring out the window, paying no attention. So I get into her mind. Lets mess with her now.

Sahar's Mind POV

     I'm just sitting down at looking outside from the car window. Suddenly Harry is in the back seat with me.

"Umm... Harry, what are you doing back here?" I ask.

"Nothing much, you?" Harry chuckled. I giggled. Soon he scooted very close to me. His thigh was touching mine.

"Harry, stop it." I demanded. He smirked. Then he kept getting closer. Oh god... My heart got to the point where it was skipping beats. He leaned in. Uh oh.... I want to... I really do. BUT I CANT! Oh... god. Now he's kissing me. I can;t help it... What is going on? His tongue asks for entry. But I decline it. He groans and lets go. WAIT! This is his mind trick!! His ability! Stupid!

"Harry get out of my mind!" I yell.

"Fine," Harry smirks and continues, "But next time... You'll kiss me back for sure. No one can resist me. Im Harry Sexy Styles." Harry winks and I'm back to normal again.

Zayn's POV

     Harry is smirking for some reason. I turn my head to look at him. He is staring at Sahar from the mirror. She glares at him.

"I hate you Harry!" Sahar says.

"You love me." Harry smirks again.

"Wait.. What's going on?" I ask confused of the situation.

"Harry used his ability and got into my head and kissed me." Sahar said. My eyes widenened. I turned my head to face Harry, I gave him a death stare. Harry just chuckled very smug. I scoffed and kept driving. I parked the car in the parking lot, and we exited the car and walked towards the entrance doors of the mall.

"Lets go to Hollister!!" Sahar screeched.

"Okay okay." I chuckled. She must really like that place. She grabbed my hand and Harry's then she started dragging us to the store. For such a delicate and innocent girl, she is very demanding and tough. I like that... I also like that she is a good girl. I bet Harry does too. He just gets the girl, uses her, then he dumps her. I'd never hurt her. I just need to control my thirst. I already bit her, I can't do it again...

-In Holliser

Sahar's POV

     As we were walking around in Hollister, girls were all staring at Harry and Zayn like I look at steak! They were almost drooling. I saw girls glaring at me because they were jealous that I'm haning out with hot guys and they're not. But they don't know these guys are freaking vampires! And that they kidnapped me!! I watched as Zayn and Harry ignored the girls, and just kept their eyes locked on me. Is it because they like me? Or are they afraid I'll escape? Whatever...

     Oh! My eyes caught a cute pair of jeans! I quickly grabbed the size that I think fit me, and I threw it at Zayn. He caught it without even looking.. Woah! Then I found a cute little denim jacket. I took one of those too, I chose the pink one. I threw that at Harry. He also caught it without looking. Wow. I then walked around more, and I wanted some lotion.. But no, I'll just get some from Victoria's Secret. I got a few other things, and then I went to try on the clothing.. I took them from Zayn and Harry and they followed me into the fitting rooms.

"Woah woah woah woah.... You guys stay out here. No peeking!" I told them.

"Fine.." They both agreed sadly.

After all the clothing fit, we went to buy the clothing, I couldn't help but grin in the line. They caught me grinning.

"Why are you grinning?" Harry asked me.

"Because you're buying me clothes!" I smiled happy.

"You're welcome." He said.

"Yeah, but you're not done yet. We are going to a lot of other stores!" I told him. His eyes widened.

"What?! Ugghhh." He groaned. I giggled.

"That's what you get for kissing me." I smirked at Harry while Zayn was buying me new clothes.

"You liked it." Harry winked. I made a fake throwing up sound. He chuckled while shaking his head on disbelief.

"Okay, lets go." Zayn said and we left the store.

"Victoria's Secret!" I said.

"Ohh. I love that store!" Harry smirked.

"Same here." Zayn smirked.

"Once again... You guys are idiots!" I joked, and we entered Victoria's Secret. The guys eyes widened when they saw all the pink, and the lingerie. Harry ran towards the thongs and bras. He picked up a pink bra and a pink thong. He stared at me with a smirk on his face. My eyes widened. God help me...


I hope you liked it!!! Haha, what do you think Harry will do with the lingerie? Lol, vote for this story.. And I'll try to update ASAP!! :D Plus.. CLIFFHANGER!!!!! :P Lol

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