"Abduction" Part 26

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HERE YA GIRLIES AND BOYIES GO!!!!!!!! ;) <3 Lol :p Girlies and Boyies.. I just made new words! :D Hahaha! XD Ok just read! :D Btw, here is a pic of Dominique! Its to the right ~~~>


Sahar's POV
     Dominique (pic to the side) and I were still panicking over what the hell stupid Louis did!! HE KILLED MARGOT!!!!!!! WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO THIS STUPID VAMPS HEAD?!!!!!!!? The other guys were shocked too!! While Dominique and I are yelling, the door suddenly gets kicked open, and when the dust settles I see the wolf pack!! Dominique gives me a confused look. Zayn steps in front of me and blocks us both.

"Zay--" I get interrupted.

"You two go upstairs with Liam! We'll handle this!" Zayn says. I nod and take Dominique's hand and we run upstairs while hearing growls, snarls, hissing, and etc. Liam speeds into the room first and locks the door after we enter.

"Liam! I want to go back down! They are out-numbered! And I can talk to Jacob! Please!" I shout at him with pleading eyes.

"Babe im sorry! I cant let you do that! That's getting you two in danger and I wont let that happen! The boys are strong! They'll handle themselves!" Liam tells me. I groan and then look at Dominique who looks very confused. I sigh and I keep thinking about the boys! Banging, growling, hissing, and biting sounds can be heard! They are hurting each other! I hear a loud whimper and I flinch. Im going down there! Sorry Liam.. I grab the door knob and twist it quickly, I run downstairs and my eyes widen. This looks like a full on blood war! I see the wolves in their wolf form, and I see a wolf running towards Zayn with large teeth! I run as fast as I can and push him to the side. The wolf misses. Zayn looks stunned.

"Sahar?! Why are you down here?!" Zayn yells.

"Saving your life." I smile.

"You can't be dow--" I interrupt Zayn but covering his mouth.

"I'm ending this fight right now Zayn! I'm not letting any of you get hurt! Lets just move away somewhere else!" I tell him.

"But--" I slap Zayn before he can continue.

"No buts! We are ending this now!" I shout. He sighs and looks at the boys fighting the wolves then at me. He walks into the middle of the room and shouts really loud.

"STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Zayn yells. Everyone freezes. Liam and Dominique rush downstairs.

"Ok wolves! We give up! End the fight now, and we'll leave!" Zayn yells.

"Fine! Get out now then! We don't want any of you here!" Jacob growls then his eyes land on Dominique, his face softens, he smirks.

"Hmmm, who is that sexy piece of pure woman?" Jacob smirks at Dominique.

"Excuse me?!" Dominique raises an eyebrow. Jacob walks toward her, and purrs.

"I like her." Jacob winks.

"Too bad! We're leaving!" I glare and I stand in front of Dominique.

"Sahar, please don't leave.." I hear Seth whimper.

"Sorry Seth, I have to. You belong with your pack. I belong with mine. We're gonna start packing. Now get out mutts!" I glare at Jacob. Seth sends me a sad look, I give him an apologetic look and then I run upstairs with Dominique, she sits on the bed while I try and explain everything to her.

Louis' POV
     Why are the girls so upset over Margot? I could tell Dominique didn't really like her that much, but Sahar is just dying. I think the way I killed her was too extreme though.. I shouldn't have killed her. I need to apologize to the girls... But the guys and I are already too busy trying to find another place to live. This is a great spot to live though. Police can't come around here, its too large and quiet. There is a lot of dense woods, so the cops cant find us.
     I need to talk this out with the boys.... I don't think we should leave. Unless we find somewhere far better.

"Um.. guys. Come here real quick." I tell them. They zip up to me.

"Ok." They say.

"I don't think we should leave." I sigh.

"We have to boobear! The mutts out there will kill us if we don't! Sahar really pissed them off." Harry sighs.

"She didn't piss Seth off... Maybe he could talk to his pack for us." I suggest.

"We could try that, but I doubt anything is gonna work." Liam tells me. I nod.

"Seth! Come in here!" Niall growls. Seth slowly walks in.

"Yeah?" He says.

"Convince your pack to let us stay, since you don't want Sahar gone." Niall says.

"You can't stay. Jacob will never allow it. Although... He is quite attracted to that girl you guys have." Seth says.

"Dominique?" Liam asks.

"Sure." Seth nods.

"Ok. What do you think we should do?" I ask him.

"We could get her to date him.." Seth shrugs. The boys start laughing.

"She is never g-gonna say y-yes to him!" Harry tries to say while laughing.

"Its either that, or you guys gotta leave." Seth says sternly.

"Ok, you can leave now. Bye Seth." I say and he leaves. The boys and I walk upstairs and talk to the girls about this whole situation.

"So... Dominique. How do you feel about dating that wolf, Jacob." I smirk. Her eyes widen.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Dominique looks pissed. I guess we should either keep convincing her, or just pack up and leave.


HOPE U GUYS LIKED IT! :D I have a question...... Should they stay here?? Should Dominique date Jacob?? Or should they forget about the wolves and pack everything up and just leave? PLEASE COMMENT UR THOUGHTS! :D Next update is at 6 votes and 3 comments! ;D BYEEEE! :D P.S. Sorry it took so long to update :(

&quot;Abduction&quot; A 1D Vampire Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now