"Abduction" Part 34

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HOPE U LIKE IT!!!!! SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG!! :( ITS Dana Vaughns' 16th birthday today!!!!!!!! I LOVE HIM TO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PIC OF HIM ON THE SIDE ----->


-1 Hour Later

Margot's POV

     For the past hour, I have been very confused and shocked. Sahar and the vampires and dominique and the wolves have been explaining the weirdest things. And Sahar is dating Harry??? A vampire?! I thought she liked Luke?!!! But i dont know.. I kinda like Luke.. So i have a chance now! Luke is getting very close to me recently.. When I woke up from my death, Luke kissed me! Not on the cheek! ON THE LIPS! It was weird.. but I enjoyed it a lot. We are all sitting on the couches the have and the vampire guy Liam is explaining some things right now. Something about how they arent dangerous nd whatever.. I dont believe they arent dangerous.. THEY KILLED ME!!!!!!!!!!!! One of the vampires snap their heads up and glare at me. I think his name is Louis. He glares at me. I think he's the one that killed me. I dont know why HE is mad at ME!! HE killed ME! He sighs nd then his face softens.

"Hey guys, I need to tell Margot something really quick." Louis sighs.

"We're not letting you hurt her!" Luke shouts.

"I'm not going to, little lover boy!" Louis growls.

"Ok relax, i'll come." I say.

"Ok good." Louis says then he leads me into a room, which looks like the laundry room. He is about to say something but I interrupt him.

"YOU killed me!" I whisper shout.

"Yes I know! I'm sorry.." Louis apologizes.

"Its ok since I'm alive again.. But why'd u do it?" I ask.

"I dont know.. I got angry and then my emotions heightened and then my anger issues kicked in even more.. And bam.. Your head was ripped off." Louis says.

"Wow... ok. But that was just horrible, you need someone to help with ur anger issues." I tell him.

"I do have someone.. Amy." Louis sighs with love and looks all happy and in love.

"Oh good! She's ur girlfriend?" I ask him.

"NO!.... I want her to be.. We are just best best best friends. I need to ask her out soon." Louis admits.

"Good, she looks like the girl version of u!" I giggle.

"Haha, i know. Thats one of the many reasons that i love her." Louis smiles.

"Ok well we should go back.." I say. He nods nd we go back to our seats.

Amy's POV

     Louis and that girl Margot just went nd had a chat... I'm not the type of jealous girl who gets all mad and rude because the guy I like was talking with another girl.. WAIT. Did I just say I like Louis? My bestie? I like him? No... I DO. OMFG. I need to keep this a secret though. Wht if he doesnt like me back. Louis chuckles by my side and then my eyes widen quickly. He can read my mind!!!!!!! FUDGE

"Babe, dont worry. I've been wanting to ask you out. I love you a lot, i'm glad you love me back." Louis smiles and whispers in my ear. OMFG YAY!!!!!!

"Omg Loubear.. You love me? I love you too! I will be your girlfriend!" I whisper back to him.

"Ok so mom, dad, lukes parents, luke, and margot... Will you guys please not hurt my boys? I swear and they swear we arent dangerous! Please let me stay with Harry! Dont report them!" Sahar yells. Her parents sigh.

"Ok but we want to stay also." Her parents say.

"REALLY?!!!! YAY!!!!!! How about you guys?" Sahar asks Luke, Margot, and his parents.

"We'll stay only if we get a separate house right near yours." Lukes parents smile.

"OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!! THEY ARE STAYING!!!!!!!! THIS IS THE HAPPIEST I'VE EVER BEEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!!!!!!!!" Sahar screams, and Dominique, Luke, and Margot join her.

"I'll go search for two homes around us!" Liam shouts.

"Two?" Zayn asks.

"Yes Zayn, two homes. Do you think we'll have space for Sahar's parents in here too??" Liam asks.

"Oh yeah... wait, what about Margot's parents?" Louis says and then everyone stops screaming with joy.

"We never told them.... What are we gonna do?" Margot asks and everyone just looks stuck. Wow..

"Um.. Wait.. Ok only because I love you so much Margot, you, harry, and I will go to your house and explain everything and then ask them to come live with us." Sahar suggests.

"Do you think they'll say yes?" Margot asks.

"Duh, your parents are the most understanding parents!" I smile.

"You're right!" She smiles.

"Then the house plan will be one house. Another mansion house near us, and I guess Sahar's parents can live with us." Liam sighs.

"Actually Sahar, we just realized that you're old enough to live alone. We have our own things to deal with at home... Sahar you have freedom, we are letting you stay here with Harry. He seems like a very sweet gentlemen. If you guys need anything, always feel free to visit us!" Sahar's parents smile.

Sahar's POV

     We continue to plan things out, but suddenly my parents begin the say something.

"Actually Sahar, we just realized that you're old enough to live alone. We have our own things to deal with at home... Sahar you have freedom, we are letting you stay here with Harry. He seems like a very sweet gentlemen. If you guys need anything, always feel free to visit us!" My parents smile. My eyes widen and I start to cry. I grab my parents and hug them super tight.

"I guess this is it.. I've moved out of my house... I love you guys!" I smile super big and hug my parents one last time.

"Harry dear, come join us." My mom tells him, and Harry quickly comes and hugs us. When we let go Lukes parents sigh too.

"Luke if you want to stay here you can.... We're going to do the same as Sahar's parents." Lukes parents smile.

"Seriously?!! OMG! I LOVE YOU GUYS!" Luke smiles and hugs his parents like me. Then he lets go.

"Margot, I have something to ask you..." Luke smiles and holds her hands and stares into her eyes.

"I know that I thought I loved Sahar the way of a girlfriend, but I dont anymore. I feel a stronger love for you, and I'm sorry Sahar,  but i'm glad you have Harry. Margot.. Will you be my girlfriend?" Luke asks. Margots eyes widen and we all smile.

"HELL YEAH!" Margot shouts and they kiss. They do make the sweetest couple!

"I still need to visit my parents, explain everything, and tell them I'm moving out.." Margot sighs.

"No worries! Luke, you, Dominique, Harry, and I will go." I smile.

"THATS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Margot screams, and we all start smiling and jumping up and down. This is the best moment EVER!!!!!!!


I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED IT!!!!!! I KNOW IT WAS KINDA CONFUSING.. BUT U KNOW, IM MAKING THIS ALL UP AS I GO XD OK SO... Do you guys think Margot's parents will let her move out? THE NEXT UPDATE IS AT 5 COMMENTS AND 10 VOTES!!!!!!!! :D CLICK ON THE STAR, THAT MEANS U VOTED! ;:D <3 THANK YOU GUYS! Im going to start calling all of my readers, my Kandi Kanes XD Like candy canes... but with a K, because of my last name XD I know its stupid, lol comment :D OH AND TODAY IS MY GORGEOUS HOTTIE BOYFRIEND (in my head) Dana Vaughns's 16TH BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! WISH HIM HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I LOVE HIM! THERE IS ANOTHER PICTURE OF HIM IN THE COMMENTS BELOW!!!!! :D

&quot;Abduction&quot; A 1D Vampire Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now