"Abduction" Part 6 (3/3)

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Sahar's POV (still)

I grabbed the makeup and we bought them. Then we left the store and we found a spot to sit down.

"Wow, we bought a lot of things!" I say staring at the big bags in Zayn and Harry's hands.

"Yeah, you're bleeding our money dry." Harry joked. He's right... I feel guitly.

"I'm really sorry guys.." I said then I looked down.

"Don't worry, we can compel money out of people. And.... The best part is, you haven't tried to escape from us." Zayn smiled.

"Oh yeah. Thanks for reminding me that I need to escape." I giggled. His eyes widened and he covered his mouth.

"Idiot." Harry mumbles staring at Zayn.

"I'm kidding. Now, this is the last store! I promise!" I smiled batting my eyelashes. They sighed.

"Okay, but we're going home after this." They said. I nodded. I leaded them to Forever 21. I bought lots of pretty clothes, ugh! I love this place! I bought some heels and regular things. The guys just stood there and watched me. Girls kept trying to get their attention, but nope.. They just stared at me. I saw Harry's eyes get all weird looking. Like Zayn's when he bit me. I think he is thirsty...

"Umm Harry... Y-you're eyes." I said pointing at his eyes. He noticed it.

"Oh, um.. Im a little thirsty. Meet you at the car. Okay bye guys." Harry said as he rushed to leave. Probably gonna eat some innocent human. Even just the mere thought of him drinking someone's blood makes me shiver. My thoughts get interrupted by Zayn.

"Are you okay?" He asks me. I think he saw me shiver.

"Yeah I'm great." I smiled at him. I take his hand and pull him around the store, and up the escalator. I see girls staring at us. I just ignore them and Zayn quickly smiles wide.

"I wanna buy you a varsity jacket like mine!" Zayn says pointing to the little red varsity jacket hanging on the rack. It has an S on it and its really cute.

"Okay fine..." I giggle. He grabs it and we try it on right there. It fits! He holds it for me. Then I hear these girls whispering about Zayn and I.

"I think they're dating." A girl whispers.

"Pshh. He is way out of her league. She's not even pretty. More like a slut to me." Another girl whispers.

"Yeah probably. She is just using him. Like she totally has no style, that guy is hot though." Some girl whispers.

"Maybe we should beat her with a shovel, that'll make her prettier." The girl whispers and they all start to giggle. I feel tears welling up in my eyes. If I heard that, then Zayn definiteley did too. He looks at me and see's the tears. He kisses my head. I would hit him, but he is just being nice. The girls walk up to us.

"Hey are you single?" The girl asks Zayn making me seem invisible.

"Actually this is my girlfriend, and I heard what you said about her. It's really rude to say that. You girls should go get a life and stop making fun of others cause you girls are no better than anyone else. She is beautiful, and her body is great. She is not a slut, maybe you girls are because you sure act like you are! You need to apologize to her right now." Zayn says very sternly to the girls. The girls look shocked then they say sorry and leave. Zayn smiles at me.

"You're welcome." Zayn smiles. I just smile too. He wipes my tears off with his thumb. He kisses my head once more. Then he buys me the items and we head to the car. This was a long long day. I'm really hungry and tired. Zayn noticed it.

"Are you hungry?" Zayn asks. I nodded. He smiled.

"Don't worry, we'll buy you something on our way home." Zayn smiles. I smile back. Wow, he is really nice... He made those asshole girls apologize and he and Harry bought me all those clothes and perfumes and lotions! Now they are gonna buy me food? Omg! I really need to thank him and Harry.

"Hey Zayn.." I said while we were walking to he car.

"Yeah?" He says.

"Thank you so much. For the clothes, lotions, perfume, and when you stood up for me. I really appreciate it." I smiled and hugged him. He smiled too and hugged back.

"You're welcome." Zayn said while we were hugging. Harry walked up to us. He coughed to get our attention. We pulled away. I looked at Harry.

"Hey Harry. Thanks for everything, except for what you did in Victoria's Secret." I giggled and hugged him. He chuckled and hugged back.

"No problem Kandi Bear." Harry said.

"Kandi Bear?" I asked raising and eyebrow. He had a big grin with his big dimples popping out and he nodded, then he zipped to the car. Zayn and I went too. We all had some Panda Express and we took it home for To-Go.

-At Home


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