"Abduction" Part 15

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Zayn's POV
     "Hey Sahar I just wanted to say sorr--" I stop in my tracks looking at the disturbing scene in front of my eyes. I cant move. Im stuck. I stare at Sahar and Harry making out, they notice me and move apart. I can barely breath. Harry waves his hand in front of my face, I snap out of it and quickly zip downstairs. OH. MY. FUCKING. GOD! What just happened? Did I really see them kissing? I try to remember and as soon as I do I make a discusted face, I push away the memory.. But it keeps coming into my mind. I need to go clear my mind. I walk out of the house, I'll go clubbing! No.. its not a good time. I'll just walk around and grab a few bites..
     I hear a sound of men, I hear car tires and many footsteps. I hide behind a tree, and quietly observe the men in uniforms. They are cops! They're looking for Sahar.... We need to hide! I zip back home. Instantly I grab Sahar who is standing there looking shocked.

"Put me down!" She complains.


"SHIT! What do we do?" Louis asks.

"Who looks the most innocent in this house?" I ask.

"Not me." Harry chuckles.

"Not me." Liam says.

"Not me." Louis says.

"Niall! Put on an innocent smile, and act all nice and make up stuff. Um... Louis you help Niall. You are very clever. So you two keep the cops happy, while the rest of us keep Sahar quiet. Bye!" I say and zip to the basement with the rest of the guys and Sahar. Since I can see in the dark, I find a good place and I cover Sahar's mouth as she mumbles into it and the guys try to comfort her as we hide.

"Shhhh. Don't make any noise, or we'll all die." Liam says. She shoots a death stare at Liam. I wanted to laugh, but this just isn't the time. I see Harry trying to pull Sahar out of my arms. I give him the hell-no look. He doesn't back off. I hiss at him. He stops. He kisses her forehead. I roll my eyes. Sahar keeps struggling.

"God damn it. Stop!" I whisper-shout. I try to listen to Niall and Louis with the police.

"Why do you boys live out here?" A man with a deep unfamiliar voice asks.

"Um.." I hear Niall say.

"We like nature. Its very beautiful. I love plants and animals!" Louis says. Nice save.

"That's nice. And do you mind if we search your house real quick?" The same man asks.

"Go ahead." Niall answers. I then hear 3 men come in, equaling 6 feet. I hear one going upstairs, one in the kitchen, and other coming to the basement! OH SHIT! I look at the boys, and they have the same expression. We all hide behind some boxes that we have. I hear the man walk inside. I watch him carefully as he looks around. He comes closer to us, about to find out we're here. But suddenly I hear a shout.

"Come on John!" I hear a man yell. John slowly walks away from us, and leaves the basement. We sigh quietly. Good thing we didn't get caught! I hear the door shut and we all get up and leave the basement. Sahar pulls out of my grip.

"Finally!" She yells.

"Good thing she didn't make any noise." Liam says.

"That's because Zayns hand was covering my whole face! I couldn't even breath!" She complains.

"Yeah, you should be used to not breathing. You weren't breathing when you and Harry were sucking each others faces off!" I yell and run upstairs.

Sahar's POV
     "Yeah, you should be used to not breathing. You weren't breathing when you and Harry were sucking each others faces off!" Zayn yells and run upstairs. I stand there looking shocked.

"Y-You guys kissed?" Louis asks.

"He did, then I kissed back..." I answer. Niall chuckles sadly, and walks out of the house. I look over at Harry smirking. Then I see Louis getting red, his eyes all sad, but the same time he looks pissed. Im scared to look at Liam. I slowly look at him, and he just sighs and walks into the kitchen and starts cleaning everything for no reason. Louis starts watching tv. I stare at Harry, he is smirking. He then wraps his arms around me and zips upstairs and on the bed.

"What are you doing?!" I yell.

"Well, we are gonna kiss and cuddle, like normal couples do." Harry replies.

"Are you kidding me?! You think we're dating? NO! We kissed! That's it! You never asked me out! Harry you are an ass! I don't wanna date you! I'd rather date someone normal! Not a freakin blood-sucker!" I yell. He looks shocked, but then his eyes soften.

"B-but.. I love you." Harry says.

"Hmm.. I wonder how many girls you've said that to." I say sarcastically.

"Sahar! Please don't do this! I love you!" Harry says getting closer to me, he puts a strand of my hair behind my ear and gazes into my blue eyes. I cant stop staring. I slowly break the gaze and push him away.

"Sorry Harry.. I just c-cant. I can't date the guy who kidnapped me. I can't date the player. I can't date a vampire. I just cant date you." I tell him. His eyes widen, he backs away.

"Are we friends though?" He asks. I nod slightly and hug him. He hugs back tighter. He kisses my forehead because of his height. I smile.

"Sorry Hazza..." I say.

"Do you think you might give me another chance?" Harry asks.

"Maybe. But you need to fix your attitude." I answer. He nods and lets me go. I leave the room and go to me and Louis's room. I look around for the flat screen TV's remote. Its nowhere to be seen. I run downstairs and hop on the couch next to Louis. He turns to look at me slowly.

"Yes?" He asks.

"I couldn't find the tv remote upstairs, so I'll watch tv downstairs." I answer.

"You could've just watched tv with Harry. Your boyfriend." Louis says.

"He isn't my boyfriend. I just talked to him right now. Nothing is going on between me and him!" I say. Louis looks at me shocked. He gives me a slight smile.

"Which show do you wanna watch?" Louis asks.

"Um... Whose Line Is It Anyways!" I answer.

"I don't know that show.." He says.

"Okay fine, lets watch Everybody Hates Chris." I smile.

"Alright!" Louis agrees and changes the channel.


I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Sorry about Sahar and Harry. Btw, I really want to know which guy you guys want her to end up with!! PLEASE COMMENT AND TELL ME! :D BYEE P.S. VOTE FOR NEXT UPDATE!

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