"Abduction" Part 13

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Sahar's POV 

I can't take it anymore!!! I need to escape!!! I hear knocking on the door.

"Sahar, let me in. I'm sorry." Zayn says.

"Shut the fuck up Zayn!! I'm done with you!!! I'm never talking to you again!!! Or any of the other guys!!" I shout at Zayn and I head for the window. Damn it!!! It's locked!!! I look around for anything heavy that I could break the window with.

"Kandi, please." Zayn pleads.

"I hate you Zayn!! Go die! Again.." I shout again. He groans and I notice he is getting mad. He starts kicking the door.

"Harry!! Zayn won't leave me aloneeee!!!" I whine while looking for a tool to break the window. I soon hear Harry's husky voice.

"Zayn, leave her alone. She said she hates you, because she loves me." Harry shouts. I roll my eyes and oh!! I find a wrench!! A big one!!! Wait... Why would he have a wrench in this room? Oh whatever, they're just boys. I grab the wrench and I'm about to break the window when I hear Louis shout.

"She is escaping!!!" Louis yells. Oh shit!!! He was reading my plans in my mind!!! I hear more kicking and punching at the door.


"Or what?!" I laugh and break the window with a big crash. I throw the wrench out the window and I carefully drop down. I start running as fast as possible while holding the wrench. I don't even dare to look back. I run around but I feel like I'm running in circles. I suddenly hear a sound and I see a blur. Oh god! They found me!!! I start running again, but then I end up back where I was.

"Babe, you can't get away from us." Liam says from nowhere.

"You know that saying 'You can run, but you can't hide.' well that doesn't apply here. Here, you can't run or hide from us." Louis laughs.

"Leave me alone!!! I didn't do anything wrong!!" I yell. Niall zips up to me.

"Well that's where your wrong. You insulted us, you tried escaped us twice, you told someone our secret... And yeah." Niall chuckles in my face, I can smell the blood in his mouth, from earlier, when he sucked the blood of my future husband Luke!!!

"Actually she tried to escape three times.... I didn't tell you guys, but she tried to escape in the shower." Zayn chuckles.

"Thanks Zayn! Now I hate you even more!" I yell glaring at Zayn who just smirks with his arms crossed.

"Why didnt you tell us?" Liam asks.

"Cause he was too busy crushing on me, and kissing me." I smirk sticking my tongue out at Zayn. He rolls his eyes.

"Is that true?" Harry asks.

"Yeah, so?" Zayn shrugs. Harry scowls at Zayn.

Okay... I guess that friendship is over. Wait! What am I doing just standing here?! I can run!!! I start running and the boys eyes widen and they follow me. I trip over my own feet, and fall down on the wrench. It cuts my chin and my neck a little. Some twigs also cut my feet. I start to bleed. The guys suddenly stop, they look at each other then at me. My eyes widen in horror.

"No! Please don't eat me!" I yell, their eyes start to turn bright red and veins start to form under their eyes. Niall hisses at me showing his fangs. I get up again and start running while holding my chin and neck, not able to hold the cuts on my legs. Harry grabs me from behind and we all zip home... I think, I can barely see anything since we are going 300mph. He pushed me into the bathroom and slams the door closed.

"Clean yourself up!" Harry yells and he runs downstairs. Why did he push me in here?? Why didnt he just bite me?? Okay.. Im confused. Everything is confusing. I just wanna die right now. I walk out of the bathroom still bleeding, the guys watch me with bloodlust eyes.

"Bite me." I said. They looked at each other trying to keep control.

"Bite me, god damn it! I cant live anymore!!!" I yell. Suddenly Im slammed back into the bathroom and the door locks. My eyes tear up. Why? Why did it have to be me? I never did anything wrong! I was always a sweet, innocent, smart girl. I dont want to be alive. Its pointless.

"No its not! Now clean up! The smell is so... DELICIOUS! Now please! CLEAN UP! WE ARE DYING OF THIRST FOR YOU!!" Louis yells. I sigh and grab a napkin and wipe the blood off my neck and chin, then off my legs. I grab some wipes I have and put it on the cuts. I grab the rubbing alcohol and pour it on my leg cuts, it stings and I breathe in sharply, biting my tongue. I take it off and take a cotton ball and put the rubbing alcohol on it, and then rub it on my chin and neck. It stings. I take it off and exit the bathroom. The boys sigh.

"Liam, your power is to heal right?" I ask. He nods and zips up to me. He puts a hand on my chin, and suddenly the pain is gone. Next, he puts his hand around my neck and the pain disappears. I turn around and he kneels down to my legs and he heals them. Wow! That was so cool!!

"Not as cool as my ability." Louis smirks.

"Shut up, Louis." I snap, then I smile at Liam.

"Thanks." I smile. He nods and smiles back. I glare at the other guys.

"I hate you guys." I glare.

"Hate you too!" Zayn smiles and zips downstairs not caring. Ugh, that piece of trash!

"Bitch, we should be mad at you! You have been so rude and disrespectful to us.. But all we have been is nice!" Louis yells.

"Shut the hell up Louis! You guys killed Luke! How is that nice?!" I yell.

"Dont tell my boobear to shut up!" Harry yells.

"Fuck off Harry!" I yell. Louis zips up to me, only inches away from my face.

"You wanna get bitch-slapped?" He asks.

"How about I bitch-slap you!?" I yell.

"Try me." Louis chuckles. I grab my hand and I was about to slap him when he zipped downstairs, I groan. Niall just walks into his room. Harry just stands there, watching me. I roll my eyes and walk to my room that I have to share. Ugh.

I hope you guys liked it!!!!! ;D COMMENT, VOTE, SPREAD THE WORD, AND OTHER STUFF!!!! I'll update as soon as I reach up to 4 or 5 votes on this part of the story.. OK BYEE! ;D

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