"Abduction" Part 17

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Enjoy this guys!!!! This is dedicated to ksdolly! :D She is a great online friend! She has great stories... and SHE IS SUPER SUPER SWEET!!! :D <3 ILYSM! lol ENJOY IT PEEPS!! (its a candy)


Sahar's POV

     After I danced with Louis.. The guys said they can get me to see my friends again! Even Luke! They said Harry can use his ability on me! Even though my friends wont really be there... Im still taking this chance. I love them. I want to see them. I start having a memory about them, and the times we had together.


"Guys! Lets go swimming today!" Luke yelled.

"Where?" I asked.

"My backyard! Duuuuhhhh!" Luke joked sticking his tongue out.

"Lets go!!" Margot and Dominique yelled. I just laughed and followed my crazy but amazing friends. Luke gave me a piggyback ride to his house. As soon as we got there, his mum was outside watering her garden. She smiled at us.

"Hey girls!" She smiled.

"Hi Mrs. Hemmings!" We said.

"What are you guys up to?" She asks.

"We wanna swim and hang out in the backyard. Is it alright?" Luke asked.

"Yeah, just watch the dog alright?" Luke's mom asked. He nodded and we rushed to the backyard, and got greeted by his adorable but giant German Shepherd (pic on side). His name is Alex. Luke and I picked his name out when Luke got him. I think the name is perfect. Before we left, we put our swimsuits on under out clothes, so we just took off our clothes and jumped in the water. ITS FREEZING!! I screamed and rushed out of the water.

'Whats wrong, love?" Luke asked.

"The water is freezing Luke!" I yelled. He chuckled and took my hand and pulled me in the water clutching my body tight. I smiled.

"Better now?" He smirked. I nodded liking his body warmth. We got used to the cold water after a while and I let go of him.

"Water guns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Dominique screams and sprays us with the pool water from these giant water guns. I was shocked, I got out of the water and pushed her in the water and we all laughed. Margot got out too and grabbed a water cannon and sprayed me with it, I dived into the water laughing. Alex barked wanting to play also. We sprayed him with water and he brought his tongue out, and drank some of it. He got all excited and started running around. Luke got out of the water and chased after him. Alex turned around quickly and jumped into the pool. Luke jumped after him.

     I guess Alex will be swimming with us too! I just needed to shower  really good after this. Alex swam around enjoying the water. We sprayed each other with the water guns and I hit Margot and Dominique with swimming noodles! Luke laughed and he grabbed the noodle and hit me with it. I glared at him.

"I SEE HOW IT IS! YOU WANNA PLAY IT THAT WAY? OK THEN!" I shouted jokingly and then I grabbed two water cannons and blasted them at Luke. Dominique and Margot brome out in large fits of laughter. They fell into the pool and Luke wiped the water off his face and smirked. He ran out of the pool and he grabbed the garden hose and smirked at us. Our eyes widened in horror as we knew what he was going to do. He turned it on the highest pressure and sprayed us all. We shrieked and clung to each other and Alex. Luke laughed. Mrs. Hemmings walked outside and yelled at Luke.

"Luke! Stop it son! Your wasting water!" She yelled. He stopped the water. She smiled at us.

"Okay! Carry on!" She smiled happily and left. After a few seconds we laughed so hard. Even Alex was smiling.

"Cannon ball!!!!!!!!!!" Luke shouted and make a front flip into the water. He laughed when he got out. I rested my whole body on the floating chair. I rested there, and soon got off and played a game of tag with Alex, Luke, Dominique, and Margot.

-1 Hour Later

"Guys wanna eat?" Luke asked.

"IM STARVING MAN!'" Margot yelled. Luke laughed.

"Okay, hot dogs! You guys get in the Jacuzzi and relax." Luke smiled and turned it on for us. As soon as I stepped in, I was relaxed. Alex did massive drying off, when he shook all of the water off him. Luke made 7 hot dogs. 2 for all of us, and 1 for his mum. We put whatever we wanted on it and enjoyed the delicious taste of the hot dogs while sitting in the Jacuzzi. It was truly the best day ever.


I opened my eyes and a huge smile appeared on my lips. I looked around to see no one but Harry. I hugged him so tight.

"Thank you Hazza!" I yell.

"No problem, Kandi Bear!" He smiles and hugs back and we both let go.

"I love you guys!" I yell leaving my room and running down the stairs in a very happy mood.

      Nothing can ruin my mood right now. I plopped myself onto the couch sitting next to Zayn, he was watching the news. My eyes widened as I saw Luke being buried. They say its an animal attack because they found bite marks and he was in the middle of the woods. But they don't know... They don't fucking know that these vampires did it! Suddenly the screen switched to my friends. Dominique and Margot. They were both crying very hard. I couldn't even understand what they were saying cause of their loud sobs. My eyes started tearing up when I saw my parents. 

     Zayn quickly switched the channel. I sobbed really hard. Zayn held onto my body, pulling me into a hug. I didn't care at this point. I was just sobbing so hard. My mood went from extremely happy to depressed and horrible in 1 minute. The other guys came around me and hugged me too. They were saying things but I couldn't hear. I was focused on the fact that Luke is dead, my friends and family are missing me, when all im doing is hanging with a bunch of bloodsuckers.


I HOPE YOU LIKED IT!!!!!!!!!!!! ;) <3 I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!! PLEASE LIKE, COMMENT, AND UM... SPREAD THE WORD AROUND WATTPAD!! :D Next update will be after at least 4 votes and 3 comments! ;D BYEEE!

&quot;Abduction&quot; A 1D Vampire Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now