Chapter 1: HG High

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Chapter 1

Katniss P.O.V.

I walk through the open doors to the classroom and I see the table my group usually sits at.

All tables are put together into seven large tables in all classrooms at this school. It's something about cooperation and cohesion.

It's just Clove, Cato, Annie, Finnick and Johanna, sitting there at the moment. The only once to arrive.

"Hey Katniss," Clove shouts and waves at me when she sees me walking towards them.

"Hey Clove," I say cheerfully.

Finnick is popping sugar cubes in his mouth, as usual. I shake my head and grin with my whole face.

"You know Finnick if you don't stop eating sugar cubes like that, your teeth will fall out of your mouth," I laugh and sit down on the chair next to Clove.

"That day, that grief," Finnick says and pops another sugar cube in his mouth. "I live for the present, and the present tells me to eat sugar cubes because I like it."

"Speaking like a true poet," I say sarcastically.

Everyone starts laughing.

Glimmer has arrived to the classroom and is now walking up to the table with Peeta and Marvel.

"What's so funny?" Glimmer asks curiously.

"Finnick doesn't care if he loses his teeth in the future," Cato grins and and hits Finnick playfully on the shoulder.

"Yeah you will if you keep eating sugar cubes like that" Peeta says and sits down next to me while he watches Finnick with a grin.

"That's what I just said," I laugh.

Peeta looks at me and smiles so big that I can see his white teeth.

"It's true," Glimmer says.

"Well, I think that Annie is very quiet and it's her boyfriend's teeth that is the topic this morning," Johanna says. "So, Annie, what do you think?"

Everyone starts laughing.

"Oh it's his teeth," Annie says and puts a finger on Finnicks lower teeth. "He can do what he whatever wants with them. Ouch!"

Finnick bit down on Annie's finger with an evil grin.

"Ouch! Finnick let go of my finger!"

Finnick releases Annie's finger.

"But you said I could do whatever I wanted with my teeth," he says innocently.

"Yes, but she didn't mean biting her finger," I laugh.

Finnick continue to look innocent and everyone starts laughing. Again.

I notice that the rest of the class glances enviously at our table. We're the popular and fun group, so of course, we're sitting at what they call the 'popular table'.

I turn my attention to Clove when she starts talking about her needing a hair cut.

"I mean I have so split ends," she complains and puts a piece of hair betwee two fingers. "Look". She gives her hair in front of my face.

I take a look at the end of her hair.

"No Clove," I say. "You do most certainly not have split ends".

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