Chapter 26: Oh no what did I do?

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Chapter 26

Katniss P.O.V.

Directly when we get down from the roof, everyone throws themselves over us.

"Oh Katniss, I was so scared", Glimmer shouts.

"What did I do?" I ask.

They all look at Peeta.

"She's herself again?" Cato asks and Peeta nods.

I'm myself again? Wasn't
I before?

"Yah, but she doesn't remember a single thing!" Peeta says.

"Be right back!" Finnick shouts, takes something from Marvel and Clove before running off to his car and drives away.

My stomach rumble.

"But what do you mean? What happened?" I ask.

"We'll explain everything later", Peeta smiles. "But right now I think you're hungry".

He's right, and even though I'd rather hear what I did, I maybe should eat something.

"Okay, but only if it's your cheese buns", I say in a sweet voice, making Peeta smile at me again.

"Anything for my sweetheart, especially after everything you went through", Peeta says, carries me up bridal style and walks with me toward the kitchen.

"I baked some when you were asleep, I knew you wanted them", Peeta says putting me down on top of the sink. "Besides, these nagging losers kept nagging at me to make them some as well", he says pointing at Marvel and Cato, which makes me laugh.

"But where did Finnick go?" I ask.

"Well... He took our phones, so I guess he's gonna do something with the films", Clove says.

"Films?" I ask.

"Yeah we filmed you", Marvel says. "You were too funny not to film".

Too funny? What the hell happened?

Peeta puts a plate full of cheese buns in front of me and I start eating really fast. I'm so hungry and Peetas cheese buns feels like heaven.

Peeta chuckles when he looks at how fast I'm eating.

They start explaining for me what I did when I was 'loopy', and apparently I thought that Peeta was a vampire, that Cato was Santa Clause, and that Finnick was Poseidon. I also thought that we were in Narnia, and that I was a plant and afraid of the fact that I thought that Peeta was going to eat me. But seriously, that part was stupid even for a loopy person, I mean come on, a vampire who eats plants? Like what? Oh yeah and then I thought that the others was aliens that was going to get me. And that I saw a unicorn and that's how I need up at the roof and then I thought that Peeta was Tarzan.

I don't believe this. No one can be this stupid, right? Not even me!

"No I don't believe you!" I say almost offended.

"Oh you don't need too..." I hear behind me and sees that Finnick is standing there with a CD in his hand. "I have proof right here! And I'm not afraid to use it either!"

I stare at the CD.

"Put it on then", I say walking towards the living room.

Finnick puts it on.

"The funnies moments with Katniss Loopy Everdeen", I read at the scream before the film starts.

I see everything. I really did call Cato Santa Clause, Peeta vampire and Finnick Poseidon. And I did believe that we were in Narnia after I threw flour over the whole kitchen and started to cry because they said that Aslan wasn't there.

Oh god! Oh god, this is not happening! But it is, it is happening, and this did happen, I did and said all of these things.

But suddenly they started to film outside. I can see my shadow up on the roof and I hear me shouting after Peeta, only I called him Tarzan and not Peeta.

Peeta starts to climb.

"Peeta stop! You're gonna kill yourself!" Glimmer bursts scared.

"I don't care! She can fall and kill herself and then I wouldn't even want to live anymore!" He shout back as he continue to climb, not looking back, not even once.

He really said that?

My heart starts to beat even faster and suddenly it feels like my heart doesn't beat because of me. It beats because of Peeta, and no one else.



Okay... Cheesy at the end, I know, and I also know that this chapter wasn't very exiting, but the next one will be :)

But please tell me what you thought about this chapter :)

Please vote and comment :)

-Josephine xx

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