Chapter 8: School

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Chapter 8

Peeta's P.O.V.

I stand leaning against Katniss locker and wait for her to arrive. The hallway overflows with students walking with their friends towards classes or their lockers. Everyone are being really loud. A typical school morning at HG High.

After five minutes, I see Katniss and smile at her. She also smiles when she sees me, but when she's beside me, it disappears immediately.

"Oh no Peeta," she whispers and put gentle fingers on my jaw, stroking it softly.

I put my hand on her hand.

"It doesn't matter Katniss," I say quietly.

She says nothing and just throw her arms around me in a hug.

"It does matter Peeta, don't say it doesn't", she whispers. "Because it does, it does".

I know she's right, but I won't admit it.

Katniss leans back a little still with her arms around my neck and looks me straight in my eyes.

Oh she has such beautiful eyes.

But her eyes drifts to my bruise again, and then she sees the now full grown bump on my hairline and she swallows hard.

"Katniss ..."

"No, Peeta, you said to me that no one should be beaten, do you remember that?"

I say nothing but nod. Yeah I remember that, of course I do.

"That includes you, honey."

Honey? I like the sound of that.

"But she's my mom, babe," I say and sigh deeply.

"I know," she sighs. "I know and that's what sucks, I can't help you, only you can, you need to stand up for yourself".

She's right. Again. Now that I think about it, she's often right.

I can see at Katniss that she knows that I know that she's right, so she doesn't continue. Instead, she does something that actually surprises me.

She leans her forehead against mine and put her lips onto my lips. Of course I kiss her back, I like to kiss her way too much.

We pull away when we hear someone behind us.

"When did that happen?"

I turn around to see our entire group stand there and grin at us. But it wasn't us Cato was talking to, it was Finn. Cato looks at Finn who shrugs.

"We'll be late to class," Katniss says and walk between the others, but Johanna grabs her arm and pulls her back.

"Oh no you won't get away your little munchkin," she says. "Plain language. Like right now".

Katniss smiles slyly.

"Hah now you became curious huh?"

"Of course!" Johanna says loud.

I start laughing.

"You!" Clove says suddenly and looks at me. She points at my bruise. "What have you done?"

I shrug.

"Oh, I tripped in the stairs at home yesterday I fell with my face first onto the floor," I say and laugh at myself, for being so "clumsy".

"You clumsy idiot Peeta" Marvel laughs and I laugh with him.

"I know, you don't have to tell me that twice", I laugh.

But I see Katniss eyes darken. She doesn't like that I laugh at myself when I haven't caused the bruise. So I shake my head almost unrecognizable but she does see it because she's looking right at me.

She shrugs and we all go to class.

Annie's P.O.V.

During class, I'm Katniss and Peetas personal mailman. Or mailwoman... Yeah I like that better. I'm their personal mailwoman. I got the misfortune to get the place between them and they insist on passing notes to each other.

Don't misunderstand me, they're so cute, and I'm overjoyed that Katniss is finally cheerful and happy again.

Peeta gives me a note and I slip it to Katniss without the teacher noticing.

I don't mean to see what it says on it, but it happens I do anyway.

Want to come to my house today? M is not home;) xoxoxo

Who is the "M"? His brother?

Katniss smiles and writes her response to Peeta. I don't need to look at the paper to know what she responds.

I smile at how happy Katniss looks.

But just when she slips me the little paper miss Trinket walks up to us, with a sour face. She must have notice that they send notes to each other. Oh no.

Miss Trinket snatches the note from Katniss hand who's s an inch from mine, that was ready to receive the note.

"Well, the whole class should perhaps know what is so important?" She says angrily and open patch.

"No!" Katniss protesters and tries to take back the patch. "No Miss Trinket".

Too late, Miss Trinket begins to read aloud what Katniss wrote:

"Of course Peeta, btw, you should know that you make me happy every single second of the day, you are the very best that has happened to me in years."

My eyes become big. I look at Katniss who has slid down in the chair so much that you only see her head and her face has got a brand new color, I didn't think her face could get so red.

I look at Peeta. He also blushes, not as much as Katniss though.

I feel sorry for them, I really do, Miss Trinket is quite mean, maybe because she hasn't had a boyfriend since the Stone Age, hehe!

"Return to class kids," she says to everyone in the class staring at our table.

Now something historically has happened back in the "popular group". Two more of us has become a couple.

Katniss P.O.V.

When the school bell rings, I gather up my books and almost run out of the classroom.

How could that witch do that?

I feel a warm hand grab my arm and I know who it is so I just turn around and plunges into his arms.

"It's okay Katniss," Peeta says soothing and stroke my hair.

"No it's not," I say angrily. "She read it out loud to the whole class."

"It's okay," he says again.

"No it's not," I say again. "It was personal, just meant for you and no one else but she read it aloud."

"Yeah but she has hardly had a boyfriend since the Stone Age Kat", I hear Annie say next to us and I snort of laughter.

"Yeah that's true," I say and put an arm around Annie as we begin to move towards the next class.

Everyone laughs at Miss Trinkets expense and it feels so good after what she did to me so I don't even feel guilty.

And I start thinking about other things now. I'm going home to Peeta today for the first time. It will be fun, but will his dad like me? Or will he think I'm like any other girl drooling over Peeta.

That's actually very true. Peeta and Finnick are the two hotest guys in school and when they walk past in the corridor At least one girl faint every time. But now they can't fucking touch him because he is no longer available on the market.

You hear that girls? Peeta Mellark is mine. Mine and no one else for as long as he wants me, because I'll never want anyone but him, not ever!

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