Chapter 41: Shopping

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Chapter 41

Katniss P.O.V.

I don't think that Finnick is going to prank me or get on my nerves any time soon. He's still trying to recover from what I did to him to revenge.

Everyone in the group thought it was funny. No one could hold their laughter away. Peeta was the only one able to hold it away as long as he did, but he was the only one. As soon as Cato saw the photo I took he fell down on the floor laughing just as I had done.

No one could even look at Finnick without starting to giggle or chuckle. Not even Annie.

"I hope you're happy", Finnick had told me.

I just looked at him with a sly smile on my face.

"I told you I would get you back, so yes, I'm happy right now", I told him.

Now they don't laugh anymore, they just smile when they see him, even though it's been like four months since I did that to Finnick, but they're gonna let it go soon enough. Especially considering that it's gratulation in only two days.

Time is flying by so fast. I hate it. I don't want to leave high school. I have too good memories. Of course I have bad once as well, like when I went out with Gale, or when Gale smashed me up against that locker and I got a concussion, which later led to me falling in the stairs at home and get a stronger concussion so I had to take medicine that made me all loopy, which the others filmed and burned on a DVD, and then Finnick sent it in to AFV, which led to me dipping his dick into chocolate and sprinkles. You see what I just did? I drew a parallel, everything goes around, and there's no way to stop it. You do one thing, just one, and it can have several consequences.

Life is like that and you never know where you stand exactly, you just have to try to make the best out of what you have and put a smile on your face.

On graduation day, we also get to know who won the Games of Hunger Games High. It's only me and Peeta, and Annie and Finnick left in the competition. And we're gonna sing a song, and then the audience is going to vote!

I'm not nervous. Why would I be? I don't care. I never have. I didn't even want to be in this stupid competition from the start. Annie and Clove made us, or forced us. So no, I don't care.

But we do have one thing to do, before the graduation. A wedding.

Nope. Not mine and Peeta's. It's Clove and Cato who are getting married.

Yeah I can't believe it either, but they are. Me and the girls are Clove's bridesmaids and the boys are Cato's groomsmen.

When Clove told me that Cato proposed to her, my yaw dropped. I didn't know what to say, so I just stood there with my mouth open and just stared at the ring she has on her finger. It's a big one. But Cato's father is rich so that didn't really matter.

I don't really know why they choose to have their wedding the day before graduation, but they did, and now we're all stuck with that date so we they can't change it. At first we all thought that Clove was pregnant, but she wasn't. But what are you suppose to think when your teenage friends tells you they are getting married?

Right now we're in the mall, shopping dresses for the graduation. We already have the dresses for the wedding tomorrow, they're together with Clove's wedding dress.

I don't like shopping. I never have, and never will. But when all of the girls started to drag me here, there were not much I could do really. So here I am. In the mall. In a dress store. Watching the girls as they pick out several dresses.

"Katniss, you could at least pretend to have fun and pick out at least one dress you like", Annie says.

I like wearing clothes, but I HATE buying them myself. Oh well.

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