Chapter 49: Funeral

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Chapter 49

Katniss P.O.V.

I have a casual black dress that reaches me to my knees. This dress is not at all alike the dress I wore yesterday. This is really casual and suites funerals, which is exactly where I'm going.

But yet again I put the mockingjay in my hair. This is my token. Okay I'm kidding, but seriously it means really much too me. I keep thanking Haymitch for giving it to me.

I walk down to the others. We're suppose to meet the Mellark's at the church an hour before the ceremony.

When I come down Haymitch comes up to me.

"Katniss, I have something for Aimée", he says.

"What do you mean?" I ask with a dead voice.

Ever since I woke up this morning my voice has been dead and I've not wanted to live. It's the funeral of mine and Peeta's baby today.

Haymitch holds up something in front of me.

It's a mockingjay pin. It almost looks the same as mine, the only different is that this mockingjay is in a golden ring, it looks trapped, but my mockingjay is free with is wings spread out.

Tears fills my eyes but I don't cry.

"Thank you Haymitch", I say.

It's gonna be an open casket, so I'm gonna put it in the casket with Aimée, so she'll have protection where she's going. But where ever she's going, my father will find her and take care of her. I can feel it.

I hug Haymitch. He really do take care of me and Prim.

At first when mom married him, I hated him. I absolutely hated him, and I did let him know that as well.

But now I can admit that I love him. I can see how he cares about me and Prim. It's small things like being sad when one of us are, or feel pain when we're in pain.

"Thank you for everything", I say.

"Anything for you sweetheart", he says and I believe him.

When we start walking towards the car, Prim takes my hand. She knows how bad I feel, and how I don't want to go to this funeral.

We sit in the car, and I start to feel sick. I don't want to show Aimée to anyone else. Peeta and I are the only once who have seen her. We have held her in our arms. Our baby girl and she's dead. I don't want to show her to anyone else. This doesn't feel good, but I have to go with it, so I just shut up about it.

The drive to the church seems like an eternity. It's not really that long, only half an hour, but if feels like it's longer. I hate this.

When were finally there, we see the Mellark boys wait for us outside their car.

Haymitch pulls in and park on the spot beside their car and I open my door and walk out.

At first the sun blinds me for a second, but then I can see my boyfriend. Or no ... Fiancé he's my fiancé now. I see Peeta stand there beside Philip.

I walk up to him and he wraps his arms around me immediately.

"I don't want to be here", I whisper.

"Me neither, but we don't have a choice", Peeta says to me as he strokes my hair.

We start walking into the church to meet the priest.

"I don't want to show her off for everyone, she's our baby and she's dead, this doesn't feel right", Peeta says to me as we enter the church.

It's scary how we think alike. We're just as two people coming together as one. Peeta is my other half. We're Yin and Yang. Okay that sounded stupid but you know what I mean.

"I don't either, it feels wrong", I agree with him.

The others catch up with us when we just stand still in the entrance.

"This is going to go fine", mom says.

"No it won't, it's not your child's funeral", I hiss.

Her face get a white color.

Oh I forgot for a minute that I'm her child, and Prim is her child.

Peeta out a hand on my shoulder to calm me down.

"I'm sorry mom, I just ... This is not going to be easy", I say.

"Katniss I never said it would go easy, I said it will go fine", mom says. "Of course it won't be easy".

Okay she has a point. She never said it would go easy.

I'm so good at this. At jumping to attack without even have heard everything. It's typical me and I've gotta stop with this now.

The priest comes to us.

"Hello Katniss and Peeta, good to see you two again", he says. "So this is the rest of Aimée's family?"

"Yes, these three are her grandparents, this is Peeta's father and these are my parents", I say. "And this is my sister, Aimée's aunt, and those two clowns are Peeta's brothers and Aimée's uncles".

"Okay thanks", he says and we start walking to the church hall. "Well this is going to go smoothly. First I say a couple of words and then you can say a couple of words and then we play the song we chose together with you during the pro session of walking up to the casket and everyone will put their roses beside it, then I say some finishing words and then we're done".

Yeah, he told us this once before. But it felt good to hear it again.

The hour flies by fast and soon everyone starts arriving.

The casket with Aimée is up in the front. Everyone takes a look at the casket but no know really looks at it very much. No one wants to see a dead baby. They're going to get a better look at her later when they put their roses there.

The priest walks up in the front.

"We're here today to take a goodbye of an innocent baby who was taken away from her parents", the priest starts and I feel my tears already flow. "Even though she died unborn, she'll be remembered forever. Now a word from Aimée's mother".

And I walk up.

"I haven't always had it easy. I've had a rough life with my father dying when I were eleven years old, I've not had the best time after, details are not important. But then to get told, I was carrying an almost full grown baby inside of me without even knowing it because she grew a little different then most babies, yes that was a shock, but then to get told that she was dead and they had to get her out, that was when I hit rock bottom. I never thought I could be so sad of losing something I didn't know I had. But she's my daughter, dead or alive and I love her. Now she's in another place and a better one", I say as the tears flow. I turn to the casket and place the mockingjay pin in Aimée's little hand. "I'm always gonna love you baby". I kiss her little, little forehead and walk back to Peeta.

I sit down and cry on his shoulder.

The music starts and one after one walks up to the casket to out their roses up. Everyone are crying, and their eyes grows as they see little Aimée laying there.

This is the worst day of my life. Being at my daughters funeral. My baby daughter. I don't know why everything has to go so wrong for me, and me and Peeta. I don't get that. Why can't anything good happen to us?

The priest walks up to say the ending words after the process.

I just cry and cry. I can't bring myself to stop. And neither can Peeta. He also cries. This is his baby daughter too, and he loves her just as much as I do.

Oh why did this had to happen?



Hey guys, I know that this chapter isn't good, but I wrote it today when I was in the hospital. I haven't felt very good lately and I had to go there and I was there pretty much the whole day with my dad, but I keep my promise to update so I am :)

Just please vote and comment to tell me what you all thought of the chapter :)

-Josephine xx

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