Chapter 40: The prank

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Chapter 40

Katniss P.O.V.

"Peeta? Peeta you awake?" I whisper and stroke his cheek. "Baby?"

Peeta snores. He's in a deep sleep.

I slowly and carefully get up out of the bed and slip into some of Peeta's clothes.

I've been preparing a bit.

I take up the bag with melted chocolate and then I take up a bag of sprinkles.

You mat have thoughts of how I'm going to use these, but you really have no idea.

Before Finnick and Annie went to their room, they came to mine and Peeta's room, to talk. We say for like two hours. I put sleeping pills in Finnicks water glass. Not too much to kill him, but enough to make him sleep during the night and not wake up. I don't want him to wake up when I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do.

I slowly creep up to the door and slowly and silently open the door to not wake up Peeta.

I sneak out and close the door and sneak along the wall to not make any noises.

I arrive to Finnick and Annie's room.

I take up the key card is told from Annie during the dinner earlier in the evening.

I put it in the door and I hear the click and I know that I can open it now.

I open it much slower and more carefully then I opened mine and Peeta's.

Immediately when I come through the door I get hit in the face.

"Ow Annie stop it!" I hiss low.

"Oh Katniss... It's you, what the hell?!" She asks.

I give her the card I'd stolen tell her my plan.

Because she's together with Finnick, one would think that Annie would stop me from doing what I'm gonna do.

But if you think that, you think so wrong.

The only thing she does, is to laugh. She laughs low and tells me that she's not gonna interrupt. And after that she's off to bed a again.

I walk up to Finnick's bed. As I come up to him, I hear snoring from Annie's bed and I laugh low.

I pull off the cover from Finnick, and pull down his pants.

I'm not gonna rape him, if that's what you're thinking.

I pull down his boxers as well, revealing his penis.

I chuckle as I open the bag with melted chocolate and I dip his penis in the chocolate. I dip it a while so a thick layer if chocolate covers his penis.

Directly after I open the bag with sprinkles and dip his penis into it. I dip it a while so it covers the whole penis and every inch of the chocolate.

When I'm done I let it all dry.

When it's dry I carefully pull up his boxers and pants.

I close the bag in knots and chuckle.

"Oh Finnick dear friend, you're gonna have a surprise when you wake up", I say and pat his forehead before walking towards the door.

I turn around and look at Finnick who's still sound asleep.

I chuckle when I look at him.

He's gonna be so mad tomorrow when he wakes up.

I open the door carefully not to wake up Annie, and close it just as carefully.

I sneak back into mine and Peeta's room.

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