Chapter 30: Telling

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Chapter 30

Katniss P.O.V.

Everyone are here. Even Thresh. He and Johanna are together now and they're so cute.

Thresh was like an outsider before. But after he agreed on being Johanna's duet partner, he's been a part of he group. I've always liked him. He is Rues older brother.

I feel Peeta tense beside me.

"So what... Peeta! Oh my god! What happened to your face?" Glimmer bursts out terrified.

"It's not just his face", I say, pulling off Peetas shirt and the other gasps.

Peeta pulls his shirt back on really quickly, all red in his face.

"Peeta, god man what the hell happened?" Cato asks shocked.

"My mother... She kind off ... Beats me", Peeta says and the others looks at him like he's joking.

Peeta starts telling them. Everything. He even brings up the fact that I knew about it.

I feel terrible. Why didn't I stop this earlier? What did I listen to Peeta? When he says that I knew about it, it sounds like I didn't even care.

"But why didn't you do something?" Glimmer shouts, looking accusingly at me.

"She did! Just look at her jaw!" Peeta says angrily.

The other looks and now they see the bruise that is starting to form.

"What happened?" Finnick whispers.

He's in shock. Peeta and Finnick are best friends. Not like the rest if us together, because we all at best friends, and Peeta and I are best friends. But Peeta and Finnick are best friends on another level. They're just like brothers. And the fact that Finnick didn't know about any of this, must really make a big part of his state if shock.

"Katniss jumped between me and my mother and took the blow", Peeta mumbles, not wanting to get into it further.

"It was a rolling pin", I say and the others gasps. "That's what she always used on Peeta, it hurt like crazy that rolling pin".

Peetas body tenses even more now when he actually heard me say that it did hurt.

"Katniss..." He starts but I put my finger to his mouth.

"Peeta don't! You couldn't have stopped me!" I say, kissing his cheek gently.

But it doesn't matter. No matter how gentle and careful I am, he whimpers low in pain.

The others looks alarmed.

"Why didn't you ever tell us?" Marvel asks.

"Because... I was ashamed!" Peeta admits and I feel my heart break. "You guys don't know how this feels. How it feels to get beaten up all the freaking time for every flaw your mother thinks you have. She used to beat me even if I decorated a cake and made a barley visible mistake!"

Everyone looks down at the floor. They knows that Peeta is right. They don't know how it feels.

"Used to? She stopped?" Finnick asks with a slight hopeful voice.

"Not exactly", I say. "Me and Peetas family kind of reported her to the police and they took her".

They looks at us.

"And that's why we told you guys to come here", I continue, because I know that Peeta is a bit too upset at the moment. "There's going to be a trial and Peeta would really need your support, it's after all he's mother and no matter what, even if it feels good, it's hard to send your own mother to jail".

"Of course we'll be there, when is it?" Johanna asks.

"We don't know that yet", Peeta says really low.

"I'm so sorry for all of this, buddy", Finnick says low.

"It's okay", Peeta says.

Well the easy part is over. Telling.

The hardest remain. The trial.



Hey you guys, did you like the chapter? I know that it was pretty short but anyway ... He would really like to know what you thought if it :)

Please vote and comment you guys :)

-Josephine xx

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