Chapter 10: Our day off went wrong...

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Chapter 10

Peeta's P.O.V.

We still sit on the couch when I remember something.

"You know, we have a day off from school tomorrow, the teachers has conferences all day," I say to Katniss.

"Oh I forgot," she says and giggles.

I sit quietly. I want to ask her, but I don't know how.

"Was there something you wanted to ask?" Katniss asks and looks at me.

I realize it must be shown in my face.

"Well, I was thinking ... that, you know, because we ... uh, because we are off tomorrow, you might could, you know, could sleep here tonight," I get out of me.

Katniss looks at me and smiles.

"Yes, I could, if I have permission from your dad of course," she says.

My heart takes a leap. I love this girl. I have done that since we were kids, but I can't say it to her. I can't, not yet, it's too early and maybe I'll scare her away. No I have to wait.

"Dad!" I shout and I hear my father walk to the living room as I call for him.

"Yes, what is it son?" Dad asks and smile as he enters.

"Eh, we just wonder if Katniss could possibly get to sleep over," I say questioningly.

It's like Jake has some extra good pair of ears when he wants to. I swear he was in the kitchen, so when he comes running into the living room, I wonder how the hell he heard what I said.

Maybe he eavesdropped after I called on dad or something.

"Say yes Dad, Peeta has grown up, oh don't you see, he wants to sleep with his girlfriend," he says excitedly.

Damn Jake. He always has to tease me. He says that it's more fun to tease his baby brother then his older brother.

"Yes, just sleep," I say and give him the evil eye.

Dad begins to chuckle.

"Jake leave your brother alone," he says with a broad smile. "And yes, Peeta, Katniss can sleep over."

I smile and kiss Katniss. Katniss takes the kiss and soon it becomes a little too intimate and my Dad and brother is standing here.

"Hey! Wait until you're in your room," Jake shouts teasingly.

Katniss starts laughing under the kiss and eventually she laughs so much that the kiss is interrupted.

She puts her forehead onto my shoulder and laughs so much she's choking.

"Jake, I hate you", I laugh angrily.

"It doesn't sound like it," Jake teases.

"But I do," I insist.

The night goes pretty fast.

Katniss called her sister and told her where she is. Prim is so cute, she's twelve and cares so much about Katniss.

"Eh, Peeta?" Katniss says when we come up to my room and I close the door behind me.


"A small problem ... I just forgot that I don't have a toothbrush and something to sleep in," she says, blushing.

"Well you could always use my toothbrush," I say and Katniss looks at me like I'm crazy. I mean sure, we're not afraid of each other's bacilli of course, but to share toothbrush is another matter entirely.

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