Sneak peak

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Hey you all. So I know that I'm suppos to post a chapter today, and I was gonna, but just when I was going to publish the chapter it all got erase and I panicked. But I promise that I'll update tomorrow.

So instead you get a sneak peak on the next chapter, and I hope you'r good with that.

So enjoy the sneak peak :)


Peeta pulls me up to his room and closes the door.

He's angry. Very angry.

"What is it babe?" I ask.

"It's just so hard," he says and sits down on the edge of the bed.


"To have such a beautiful girlfriend," he says, frowning. "Everyone stares constantly at you and I'm always so worried that I might lose you to one of them".

I go up to Peeta and I sit next to him.

"Peeta didn't you hear at all what we were singing today?" I ask.

"Yh," he mumbles.

"Then you know Everything you need to know," I say simply and Peeta smiles.

"I love you," he says.

"I love you too Peeta," I say and put my lips against his.

I push Peeta down in bed and put me on top of him, while continuing the kiss.

Peeta rolls around me so that I end up underneath him and he starts kissing my neck.

I love when he does that, and starts moaning low of satisfaction.

We begin to undress each other. But am I ready for this?


So I hope you liked the sneak peak anyway :)

-Josephine xxx


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