Chapter 23: Can't he just leave me alone

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Chapter 23

Peeta's P.O.V.

I'm driving Katniss and I to school.

After I won the fight with Jake, I went back to my room, finding Katniss asleep on my bed.

When I woke her up she said that she was too tired to wait for me, but she also said that I was cute when I wrestled with Jake.

"You still have a headache?" I ask Katniss as I pull up at the school parking lot.

She refused to take something against her headache, she doesn't like taking pills she says, so instead she puts up with the headache.

"Yeah I have", she says.

The guilt washes over me again. That was so my fault. I was the one brushing her hair when Jake scared the crap out of me.

"I'm so sorry, Kat", I say, apologizing again.

I find my spot and pull up the car on the spot. Turing off the car.

"Stop saying that", Katniss says and turns her head towards me. "It wasn't even your fault".

Yes it's was! It so totally was my fault.

"But..." I start but gets interrupted by Katniss lips.

When she pulls away she looks me straight in the eyes.

"It wasn't your fault, okay?" She says with her hand on my neck and her forehead against mine.

"Okay", I say, even though I don't agree with the word even for a second.

We step out of the car and walk into the school and to our lockers to get our stuff. It sucks that we don't have the first period together, I really don't want to let go of my beauty. I want to be with her for every minute of the day.

"Well, see ya after the first period", Katniss says, kissing me goodbye.

"Yeah, but I miss you already", I say sad, pulling her close.

"Drama queen", Katniss laughs.

"Hey don't make Peeta late", I hear Finnick shout behind me.

Katniss pulls away.

"Oh of course not", She says. "Peeta, you better go to your babe now, he's getting impatient".

She smacks her lip and then sticks out her tongue to Finnick before walking away to her English class.

I shake my head. Oh my silly Katniss.

Katniss P.O.V.

As I enter the class, I feel how I don't want to be here right now. I want to be with my Peeta.

I sigh and sit down at my usual seat. Oohhh this is going to be a loooong lesson.

After the boring English class I run out of the classroom, heading to my locker. I open it, shove my English things inside and take out my sketch pad and pen case. I have art next, and so does the rest of the group. They'll be here soon, so I don't really get why I rush. But I just want to see Peeta really bad.

I close the locker lid and jump sky high.

Gale is standing there, looking angry at me.

"Katniss", he says and nods.

"Go away Gale", I say and narrow my eyes, while looking at him.

"No, I'm not finished", he says.

"Yes you are! We're finished with each other", I say angrily. "And to be honest I don't feel like listening to you".

"Break up with that bread boy!" Gale demands.

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