Chapter 15: The group coming over

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Chapter 15

Peeta's P.O.V.

Katniss has fallen asleep. I didn't let her go down from the bed. I wouldn't let her. And she didn't want to go home yet either, not until she knows for herself that I am out of danger. She's so sweet.

The group flies through the door with Finnick in the lead.

"Peeta!" They all shout.

Katniss jerks and open her eyes wide.

"What's happening?" She asks sharp and rubs her eyes with her hand back.

Oh she is so cute when she does that.

"It's just the others," I say reassuring.

The others giggle.

"Oh hey you guys, I'm sorry, but I only see danger everywhere now," Katniss apologizes and I hug her.

"It's so totally okay Katniss, we understand, we all have been a bit paranoid," Annie says and Finnick hugs me.

"By the way Peeta ... you haven't had time to look at your phone yet, have you?" He asks, looking at me.

"No?" I say suspiciously. "Why?"

"No reason," he says almost a little too innocently. "Did you lose your phone?" He asks after a while of silens.

"I hope not, I hope that it's still in my jeans pocket," I say, pointing at my old clothes, lying on a chair.

Finnick almost runs to my jeans and starts searching in the pockets.

"Hah!" He says winning and holds up my iPhone.

"Oh good now can you give it to me", I say, reaching out my hand.

Finnick open up my iPhone. I didn't even know he knew what numbers I had.

"Yeah sure as soon as I just ..." he mumbles concentrated.

"Finnick what the hell are you doing?" I ask irritated. Is he snooping on my phone?

"Don't overwork yourself, baby," Katniss reminds me quiet, then she turns herself against Finn. "Finnick Odair give Peeta his iPhone back!"

I really wish that it could be me shouting at Finnick. It's my phone after all. It's not that I don't trust him, but he looks so concentrated and it makes me think he does something planned.

"Yes. Yes okay I will," Finnick says and start walking towards the bed without taking his eyes from my phone.

"What are you even doing?" Katniss asks.

"Nothing, but now I'm done," Finnick says happy and gives me the phone.


"Okay, well ... before I found out that you got shot ... I thought you ignored me or something ... so I might've accidentally sent angry and nasty texts... err noo more like ten" he says, embarrassed. "But, well, I turned out to be wrong, so I ... I deleted the messages."

I raise my eyebrows and starts laughing.

"That's not funny!" Finnick says and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Yes, it totally is," I say. "And if you think further about it, you will also find it funny."

Everyone else starts laughing.

Katniss lies down again and pulls me down too. She puts her head on my chest.

The others sits down on chairs around the bed.

"How did it go with Jake by the way?" Glimmer asks.

What about Jake? What happened to him?

"He's okay," Katniss giggles. "But he puts his hair over it all the time".

"What?" I ask.

"When you were in the coma and we came here, we sort of crashed through the door," Clove says with a big grin. "Jake was sitting right behind the door and it flew up at him."

I start laughing.

"So that's why he has a bruise on his forehead," I say.

The others nod.

"He was really devastated, cried and cried, saying how he didn't want to lose his baby brother", Katniss says. "Saying that if you only survive he'll never tease you again, how he'll be a better big brother, if only you'd survive".

Jake. Who knew he cared this much? Okay no, I know that he cares, but he doesn't really show it all that much. I love though, and I know that he loves me.

"Everyone asks about you in school," Cato says. "It's getting a bit tedious now though, so anytime you feel healthy enough, please come back and answer the questions yourself."

I laugh but Katniss grunts.

"I only joked Katniss, jeez," Cato says laughing.

I start pulling my fingers through Katniss hair to calm her down.

"I'm actually feeling pretty good, well apart from a sharp pain where the bullet hit me, but other than that I feel good," I say.

"How long do you have to stay here?" Marvel asks.

"Well at least two weeks, they said," I sigh. "But it depends on how fast I will be better of course," I say.

We continue to talking and laugh all afternoon. It feels really good to have my friends by my side.



Okay please don't hate me for doing such a short chapter, but really I'm so tired from school, but I try to do my best anyway.

Well tell me what you thought even though t was a short chapter.

Please vote and cimment to tell me what you thought :)

-Josephine xx

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